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Max calls later just like Rowan said he would. I've relocated from the couch I sleep on to the recliner beside it purely for a change in scenery.

"Headquarters sent agents after us in Jersey," he says. "So we're somewhere else now. I don't know how they found out where we, whether it was just its proximity to New York factored in with luck or if they've somehow managed to hijack our phone calls, so I'm gonna leave it at that."

"Rowan can tell me," I say without thinking. Great. Now I have to let everyone know about our freaky Bond activity. It's going to be a red flag in Max's mind, no doubt.

"What do you mean?" he asks, just as I thought he would.

"Well, our Bond, I don't know...it's just been acting up a little. Ever since that, you know, thing in The Vault. But, well, we have a telepathic link now, is what I mean," I stammer.

Max doesn't say anything for a moment.

"Bonds don't just do that, Lake," he says.

"Yeah, well, ours did," I snip back.

"We're gonna talk about this when all of this is finally over."

"Yeah, whenever that is," I reply, rolling my eyes even though he can't see me.

"You know we're doing everything we can, kiddo," Max says reasonably.

"Of course I know that. Just sitting here without anything to do and with orders to literally sit around and 'take it easy' are kind of frustrating, though, Max," I rant. "It sucks. I'm getting antsy."

"I know, kiddo, I'm sorry. This is the safest thing for you right now, though. We were lucky to get you out of The Vault to begin with. I don't think we'd able to swing it again, no matter what prison they decide to send you to if someone caught you."

I sigh heavily. He's right, of course he is. Max secretly prides himself on being the voice of reason for all of us.

"Can I talk to him next?" Rowan's voice says in the background. At first I'm excited to get to talk to him just like he promised a few hours ago. My entire body starts to shake next, though, and a wave of dizziness crashes over me. The shaking progresses so quickly that the flip phone slips right out of my hand.

Jacob appears, seemingly out of nowhere, swooping down and picking up the phone before I can convince my body to do just that.

"It'd probably be best if you send Lake's counterpart here," Jacob says into the phone before I can ask for the phone back.

Max says something in response, but I can't hear what.

"What? No! I'm fine, Jacob, he doesn't need to send Rowan here," I argue, reaching for the phone once more. Jacob takes a few steps away from me which does the trick, because there's no way legs would be able to support me with the way they're shaking.

"Yes, I'm serious. Drop him off here, mail him here in a crate, I don't care how. I've known the kid for less than a week and he's a stubborn shit who doesn't like asking for things he needs. He's been Bond Sick for days, and I was willing to let it slide, but he's only been getting worse."

"C'mon, Jacob," I groan. "I'm alright. You didn't have to do this."

Jacob finally turns to look at me, his face set into a stern expression I've never seen on him before. He nods in agreement to something Max must be saying before bidding him goodbye and hanging up. He snaps the flip phone shut and sets it on the coffee table.

"I'd want someone to do the same if Thomas was in the state you've been in," he says. "You may not like it right now, but you're going to feel better when he gets here, and he's going to be happy to be there for you."

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