Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I may be high on aspirin, and I may be on the verge of fainting, but it's worth it.

I think.

I'm not really sure about anything at the moment, well, actually, that's not true. I know I'm at a party and I'm totally wasted. How did I wind up here? Oh, right, my friend, Riley, dragged me over here. But where is here? Where am I at?

I raise my head, searching for clues for where I am, but the dazzling lights blind me. Is that a disco ball?

Someone knocks into me as another smashes my foot. I stumble away from the people and the lights, trying to find a dark, secluded corner to collect myself. I see a corner about ten feet away with only one other person there. I wobble over and lean against the wall while releasing a heavy sigh.

The music is pounding my head like hammer coming down on a nail, and I think I'm going to be sick. The room spins and my neighbor notices me for the first time. He must take in my unstable condition because he inches closer and place a sweaty hand on arm. The stranger leans in and whispers, "Are you okay?" with a grating voice.

I look into his shadow filled face and slowly shake my head. I'm seeing dark, patchy spots and my head feels like it's been filled with air.

A smile spreads across the stranger's face and the grip on my arm tightens. He starts pulling me from the corner and back into the crowd of sweltering people. I give little resistance, not because I wish to go with him, but because I don't have the strength to fight him.

˚ ˚ ˚

Seventeen Hours Earlier.

"Oh, mother of pearl!"

I'm startled out of my sleep from the sudden impact of my younger brother landing on me. "Get off me, fat bastard!" My brother, Ethan, isn't actually fat. He's actually rather lanky, but at the moment, he sure as hell feels like nothing short of five tons. Him sitting on me is the equivalent of an elephant sitting on a baby bird. His enormous height makes it nearly unbearable.

"Mom! Ally called me a bastard!" He turns and gives me a grin. With his crooked glasses, it's almost adorable. I said almost. It's still straight up evil, and the fact that he's still on me isn't helping.

His face is asking me a question, a question that will determine whether or not I'll get in trouble. It asks 'What are you willing to pay me to keep quiet?'. He holds up both hands, then starts ticking down his fingers, letting me know I have to decide. One by one, they go down, signaling that I have less than ten seconds before I get into a humongous amount of trouble.

"I'll give you anything you want, just get off me. I. CAN'T. BREATHE!" Even though I'm four years older than my little brother, age is but a number since he has five inches and probably twenty to maybe even thirty pounds on me. It doesn't help that I have the muscle strength of a peanut, so the only way he'll get off me is if he does it himself.

"Give me your allowance for a month." That little piece of shit. I've been saving up to finish the repairs on my car, and I needed about a month more of allowance to be able cover it. I look at his hands, only five seconds left.

"Fine. Fine. Now get off me." The little devil rolls off me, and I take a minute to control my breathing. My lungs slowly fill up with beautiful oxygen. Ah, to be able to breathe.

"What's that honey? Ethan did you say something?" my mom shouts from downstairs. I stare down my brother, waiting to see if he'll hold up his part of the deal.

"Nothing. I woke up Ally for you." He turns and gives me that same evil grin again.

"Get out of my room before I change my mind." I throw a pillow in his general direction because God knows my aim is horrible. He raises his hands and backs out of my room.

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