Chapter 29, Sheena

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Someone is hurting him.

  As if coming out of a very long sleep, I couldn't really make sense of anything off the bat, but I did see this.

  Someone is hurting him.

  There was so much blood all over his face. Why are they hurting him? Why didn't I stop them? Why can't I move?

  The panic set in, and I thrashed in my mind to break through. It was this wall of glass, keeping me on the one side, in a room filled with white smoke.

  Let me out! I drove my shoulder onto the wall.

  No. It said.

  Let, me, out! I charged at the wall again, hearing it cracked, and sounds slipped in.

  "...Cole!..." "...Bastard..." "...Stop it!..." Voices came in, echoing in the cage of glass.

  Stay down! It ordered.

  No! I have to stop them...


  I charged once more, and the glass shattered.

  Coming to the moment, I saw Clancy Gray and another boy standing in front of me, the other kid's fist dripping blood. Ruby, Liam, and Chubs were yelling, a strange girl holding a gun against them, and in front of all of them, was an unconscious Cole on the ground. That face, though all red and black, was one I recognized.

  One I love.

  I can't feel it, the white numbness. My ability is not with me. How is that even possible? But I have to stop him, stop Clancy Gray, otherwise he will keep hurting him...

  I took off my shoe, and threw it at Clancy Gray's head.

  The moment he whipped his head around, I cried, "Ruby! Now!"

  And he froze in place.

  I finally struggled out of the stupor, feeling everything inside me clicking in place, including that surge of power. The boy and the girl that I didn't recognize looked like they just woke up from a dream. The boy beside Clancy—I saw who he was now; Mike—took a step back, looking dazed.

  "Don't move!" I barked at them, and they took my words as an order. That's about right—my monster had been equally a leader to them as Clancy Gray had been. Mike turned around, and I snapped him and the girl to sleep.

  I had to fight with every ounce of my sanity to not go for Cole on the ground first—Ruby might not be able to hold on to Clancy Gray for too long. Approaching them, I put my hand on Clancy Gray's frozen face, and saw his eyes glistened of—maybe for the first time in a very long time—fear.

  Without too much of a problem, I found the part in his brain—right where the temporal lobe met the occipital lobe—the source of his ability. It was a small section, tucked away in a sulcus, relatively insignificant. I opened my mind's eyes—really opened it—and saw the bright pulsing light.

  I touched the light with my mental fingers, soothing it, calming it, until it wasn't bright like the blazing sun anymore. It dimmed down with my touch, glowing from white, to yellow, and finally, a warm orange, like the rest of his brain.

  I pulled out of his head, and he fell onto the ground in a hard thump.

  "What just happened?" I heard Chubs demanded, but I didn't have time for him. I knelt down beside Cole, checking on him.

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