Bonus_ Tau and Jasiri sneaks out at Night

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[Roughly 8 Months ago]

It was becoming another night for the Outlands and Tau was just finishing up his training to become a protector of the Outlands under the guidance of Hekima! "You'd best be off now Tau. We'll continue your training tomorrow." The old hyena said to the cub.

Tau quickly gave his goodbye and rushed off back towards his den where he knew his brother would be waiting for his return. Tau was grateful for having a brother like Janja, but sometimes he wonders if his brother worries too much about his own safety. Janja wasn't exactly thrilled at the idea of Tau putting his life on the line to protect the Outlands, but he was not able to stop his brother from pursuing to doing so in the first place.

On the way to the den, Tau was not aware of a pair of eyes observing the cub as he was heading home. They were watching closely at the cub as he slowly got closer in distance from them, "You're mine now." They whispered to themselves to not let the cub hear. Moving ever so sly through the rubbles and piles of rocks using as a barrier between the two, and once Tau was within distance from the creature lurking in the night, they shifted their body to get ready to pounce the cub.

"Gotcha!" The figure called out throwing themselves over the rocks and landing on top of the cub knocking him to the ground with a thud. The cub was on the ground with a female purple-gray hyena standing over him pinning him to the ground, "Ouch, Jasiri!" Tau said to the hyena who was looking down at him with a joyous smirk across her face.

"Hey Tau, just wanted to drop by and say 'hi'!" Jasiri said to the cub with a laughter. If there was one thing about hyenas that Tau gotten used too, was their jokes. "Okay, can you get off of me now?" Tau asked wondering how long she was going to stand on top of him.

Jasiri took a moment to think about this before giving an answer, "Only if you do what I say." She answered, a worried feeling came to Tau when this was suggested. Jasiri's a free-spirited hyena who likes to take risks and throw cautions to the wind, and she would normally try to get Tau to go along with some of her craziest ideas that would always result in the two getting in trouble.

"What is it this time?" Tau said looking away from her to not show a worried look, "We should visit the Swamplands." Tau's eyes darted in shock at this idea, "The Swamplands?! Jasiri, you know there's crocodiles there, don't you?" Tau said to the hyena.

"I know, but I figured we would visit the one with those Lilly pads." Tau took a moment to think of this matter, where she was mentioning, he doesn't remember of any crocodile claiming that area due to the stems from the Lilly pads always get in the way and tangle them. So, the chances of running into one was slim to none, giving a deep sigh, "Alright, you win." Tau admitted to Jasiri.

Jasiri smiled at this, "Can you get off me now?" Tau asked one final time to the hyena who was still on top of him. Jasiri was close to removing herself from the cub when an idea came to her, "One more thing." She said which got the cub that much more nervous, "What?" he asked wanting to get this over with. "You have to tell me how you got that scar." A moment of silence fell between the two before Tau broke it, "Why do you want to know so badly?" he spoke softly.

"It's been on my mind for a long time now, and whenever I would ask, you would just try to change the topic or avoid it all together."

Tau closed his eyes for a moment, he hates remembering how he got this scar. That scar was a reminder to two hyenas' death. "I got it from a hyena." He spoke in a harsh cold tone that surprised Jasiri for a moment. He was always cautious and nervous about everything, and he did keep to himself most of the times, but his tone of voice was cold when mentioning a 'hyena'.

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