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Quick AN: This is going to be a longer one then previous and a lot of future chapters. This is after all 1 of the big reveals. (Next Chapter will be a different perspective so any confusing moments will be revealed next chapter)

Edit: My Editor sent me a quick work of an image to show something he can do, said this is his first time drawling Kion. He told me that this was drawn by looking at the image. (The angle of the image being that he used his phone to take a picture and to keep shadow from covering it, he had to angle poorly.)

He said that he typed up 'Lion Guard Kion' and used the first image he saw. Looking between the Computer and his drawing pad.

[Outlands Volcano]

Ushari and Safia are near the lava pit discussing in private as the other four of Safia's clan remain distanced away, "What do you think those two are talking over there?" One of the female hyenas asked the other two.

Kuru remained away from the other three females feeling uneasy around them, feeling safer the further he was from any of them. But he too wanted to know what they were discussing over there as much as the other three.

"Ushari will probably ask one of his friends to attack the Pride Lands, 'like always'" another of the female hyena said rolling her eyes annoyingly at how it always pertain to that snake to come up with all the schemes only for them to fail, time and time again.

Their conversation finally finished as Ushari and Safia came approaching the other four hyenas waiting for them, "What's the plan?" Luna and Lora said in unison which caught them for a moment, "We'll be making a visit to Pride Rock." Safia said excitingly at just mentioning that.

But the other four were not quite on board with what she was talking about when Luna spoke out what the others were thinking, "How are we going to do that? It's near impossible to sneak pass Jasiri or Tau."

Kuru was the most interested in hearing how they'd hope to succeed in getting past as well, when Ushari came and provided a bit more clarity to their question, "I asked for help from a 'little' friend of mine." One of the hyenas from before gave a shrug 'See, what did I tell you?' look.

But this still had them wondering, 'How will this friend of his be of any help in distracting Tau?' but before any more questions could be asked, Ushari pointed something that made Kuru worried, "We will attack right this moment."

"Why do we have to attack right this moment? Can't we wait an-" Kuru started saying when his sister Safia snapped her teeth at him, "KURU!" approaching towards him menacing, "You will not question what you are told-" Kuru slowly backed up trying to make distance between him and his sister's teeth, eyes locked on in fear, "You're carelessness is what caused us to fail time and time again.-" She continued on approaching him, Kuru tripping onto his back looking up at his sister who stares down from over him, "And if you fail to do as you're told one more time, I'll personally have you remove."

Kuru was stunned in fear, eyes widen and muscles shaking like Jell-O during an earthquake. Barely able to let a single sound escape his throat for the fear of his life, he bowed his head away in submission knowing he didn't stand a chance against her.

"Good to know you understand." She said turning her attention away from her brother who wanted to just find a hole and bury himself away. The other three let out a chuckle at Kuru's current state, "I'm surprised he hasn't wet himself yet." One of them mocked him, "He might be ready to 'pop'!" another said as the three bursts out laughing.

Kuru silent out those words remembering the promise.

[8 Months ago]

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