A Future / A Vision / The Aftermath

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The sun was setting on another day for the Pridelands and the Outlands, with the success in saving the King from the Outlander Ushari's scheme.

Basking in the final rays of light, a golden cub with mane red like flames sitting on top of a barren cliff staring out at the Pridelands where Fuli and her friends returned. A calming smile, closing his eyes as the wind blows through his mane and the heat of the light warms his fur. Enjoying the quite moments after the excitement he just came out from, but that quite was short lived when a voice called him back to reality, "Mind if I join in?" he looks over to see Jasiri.

Tau scoots over a slight letting her know that he's glad for the company which she complies by sitting next to him. The two sitting next to each other that their fur brushes against each other's; Jasiri letting out a chuckle that got Tau curious to what she found funny until she gave the answer, "Just remembering the last time you and I sat and watched the sun setting together." Tau started to give a small chuckle at the memory of that.

"It's been a long time, back when you and I would sneak out of our den to visit the Swamplands." Tau responded looking over at Jasiri, she gave him a smirk, "And you would try to show off by jumping across the stone path only to fall into the mud." To which Tau grew ever so embarrassed at her remembering that part.

Seeing the cub blush as he darts his eyes away, she gives him a nuzzle on his cheek, "I thought it was brave." Tau glanced over at the sudden nuzzle being a bit surprised by it, "Really?" he asks with his tail swinging in joy and his ears dart up. Jasiri smiled but remained silent of that to tease him; she returned her attention to the horizon where the Pridelands is, "You think they've made it back safely?" she asks Tau.

He lets out a sigh, "I don't know and to be honest, I'd rather not concern myself with what happens to those Pridelanders. When have they ever worried about us Outlanders?" he asks her feeling disgust at them for how they treat Outlanders. He would sometimes question if helping in protecting the Pridelands was even worth it.

Jasiri glances over at Tau worried that he would think of this, "You know why we need to do this. After what Scar had done to the Pridelands, it not only affected them; but all of the Outlands as well. I want to have a future where when I have pups, they're able to smile." She mentions to him, which he lets out a chuckle that confused the hyena, "What was that for?" she asks.

"I just find it hard seeing you as a mother is all." He taunts her to which she gives a competitive smirk as she tackles him down to the ground pinning him, "Do you now? Well I can't see you being a father!" she taunts back placing her nose against his. Tau struggled to release himself from her grasp but found it to be fruitless as he couldn't budge. Jasiri grinned knowing that she has him trapped, "Give up?" she asks.

Tau admitted it by giving up the struggle allowing her to dominate him, "You win." He surrenders. Jasiri removes herself from on top of him allowing him to return to his feet, "And don't forget it." She rubs in her victory brushing herself under his chin.

Despite his defeat to her, he would be lying to himself saying he was mad about that when he could enjoy the moment they shared together. Though he questions how Jasiri might feel about him, Tau was having feeling for her after all the times they've spent together and saw the many sides to her.

He would wish they could stay like this forever and just forget about everything bad that had been happening to him. But the two had to separate their embrace from each other as the sun had completely set on the day, their eyes meeting each other before Jasiri takes her leave for the night. Tau watches Jasiri returns to her den, it was now time for him to return home himself before his brother starts to worry about him again.

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