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Mira p.o.v
Letting the food settle in my stomach I opened my eyes, my hands still locked in the cuffs. My ankles had red marks on them and I let my fingers feel the grove in my skin before standing up. The chain rattled softly and I sat back down taking a deep breath. I see only one option.

I spit around my wrist twisting it trying to pull, the pain increased the close I got to my hand sliding out. I bit my shirt to muffle my cry as a snap filled my ears and tears slid from my eyes.

One hand left mira..you can do it

I took a deep pained breath using my feet to slide off the other cuff, I looked at my hands now slightly bruised and sat for a moment letting my tears fall until a numbing washed over my hands.

I looked over my mental map of the building, I had snuck out of a room here twice before. The hallway has 3 doors, this room the chain room and father's room. Then the front store and door. The other end of the hallway has the slaughter room and the poker room. If im right there is a back door.

My breath was deep and slow before I walled to the door. I put my ear against it and listened for footsteps. Only silence filled the air on the other side.

I carefully slid the door open a crack, just enough to see if anyone was coming. I slid down the hallway to see the front room, my breath caught in my throat with each step.

Father had his back turned to me, a woman with bright blond hair faced him and smiled as father laughed. Soon they disappeared into the pet room.

I crept into the hallway making my way to the back. Checking the room before walking through, this seemed a little too easy, I slowly open the door, sliding out of it shutting it behind me.

The outside world had been a lot brighter than that room, but luckily it was still dark. I had to squint to see for a moment, once my eyes adjusted I ran turning down alleyways and running past houses. Most of the city blocks looked the same, bright lights and chatters.

I could feel eyes on my as I ran, I'm human, food, a pet. Of course, I look like a challenging meal. My breath deepened as I ran, I was never a fast runner but this. This was life and death.

I slowed as soon as I thought I was far enough away. I listened and looked around the towering buildings. Nothing was there, just the dark and pain in my hands and feet. Leaning against the wall I caught my breath, the feeling of my heart against my chest almost hurt.

Voices echoing down the ally begin to get louder, two men and a woman are what it sounded like. Not wanting to take any chances I started to run again, turning a corner only to be met by warm hands wrapping around me.

The burn of a scream in my chest shook me, only for it to be muffled by a hand, I scratched and thrashed against whoever was behind me before giving up and look at them...they looked..familiar.

Donovan P.o.v

Everything has been panicked these past few days. Mira and John are nowhere to be seen. Mother and father have been pestering me about finding her. Truthfully..i did want to find her. It raged me to think of what vile things could be happening. J took another shot, a numb feeling washing over my hands and I looked at them blankly.

Her voice echoed in my head and I just wanted it gone. I wanted to find her more, but everyone was already doing what they could, potrol on every street corner, missing pictures, called in every favor anyone owed me. So far nothing.

Anger washed over me and I took another shot quickly drinking what was left of my drink. Closing my eyes I pounded my head on the bar table before getting up.

Walking toward the bartender tossing enough money to pay for the many drinks I had. Making my way out letting out a sigh, I have been looking non-stop for 3 days. And for three days all I can trace back to is nothing.

The door to the ally way easily pushed open and I let the night air nipped at me. I leaned on the wall to drunk to walk anywhere, I laughed to myself "nice! I'm fucking nowhere!" My voice echoed down the city walls.

Reaching to my pocket I pulled out a fresh pack of cigarettes. A horrible habit I know, I promised myself id never do this again but here we are. Pulling the first one out my slightly shaky hands lit it. The bitter taste calmed me quickly. "Just fucking great," I mumbled

Feet hitting the pavement caught my ear, someone was running. Their breath was heavy, I looked around to see where it was coming from. Right behind me. Lunging forward I could tell it was human, at this point I could care less, my lack of emotions got the best of me.

They screamed out the feeling of my teeth sinking into them, I help my cigarette away as to not break it. The blood ran down my throat with each gulp a small hum from my chest became louder.

Soon the small body fell limp and I let whoever, whatever, it dropped to the ground and wiped my mouth. A heavy breath left me as I looked down taking a long drag. What did I just do?

Authors note
So I know it's been literally 6 months but suddenly I have inspiration again! I know this isn't my best but I sure hope people like it

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