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Mira P.O. V
I clenched my sheets trying to regain even breaths, the pain of my wrist and ankle shoot through my body as I do. My eyes shoot open and I can feel the cold of the room against my skin.

I let a small whimper escape my lips. My breathing slows down and I finally relax in my bed. My dreams starting to leave my thoughts allowing me to calm down. The last few horrid images pass through my head as I look up at the ceiling.

I bring my wrist up toward the ceiling, so I could see the deep blue and red bruise that circles it. My hands had been cuffed for a few days before this, I must have earned the punishment but I had been picking my brain trying to figure out how. The only thing I could come up with is talking back. I had talked back before Father brought me to the chain room, I spoke out of turn which must have earned me the punishment. I keep trying to convince myself I had earned it somehow.

In a few days I will turn 16, the day I will be picked up and owned. Father was sure to mention that a lot in the chain room, he also spoke of how similar humans where to cattle. I was born in a slaughter house, made to be killed and drained of blood for food and pleasure. I got lucky unlike the rest of everyone I knew. My room has a bed and blanket, and they got killed.

I was to be sold to a Lord and Lady in two days. They had told Father to never leave marks on my skin, so he never did, he left bruises and starved me. He never did something that would leave a scar.

Father says a few weeks after I was born the Lord and Lady came in asking to buy a live human, preferably young but old enough to drink from. Since he killed humans at the age of 10 or 11 he didn't have any. Father says they were brought to the back and chose me to be raised here until I could be drank from and sold.

Father was what he liked to be called. He ran the slaughter house and kept me in here Because of the deal. I never knew his real name. The other humans here call him master or sir, but he said I will call him Father since I am to be here for more than 10 years.

I could feel the cold metal against my ankle, which isn't unusual. Father kept me chained in this room, so I wouldn't leave. The sound of the chain echoed in the room as I shifted. A blood-curdling scream filled the room causing me to jump. That happens every once in a while, my room was close to the chain room, so I could hear loud screams.

I pulled the blanket closer toward me hoping it would bring some warmth and safety to my mind. All I can really think about is when I'm going to leave, I was told to never talk back and always do what I was told no matter what. Father said I was almost worthless to them so no matter what I wanted I would have to do what they said or I would be killed.

A tear left my eye as I closed them thinking how these new owners unlike Father could leave marks on me, I was practically worthless to them so why wouldn't they? I felt my arms tense up as I thought deeper about it. My nails digging, into my hand.

Slowly my whole body tensed up, then I heard the door unlock and begin to open. I held up my body on one arm, so I could look who was there. Father stood with the door open, his normal gray suit on without wrinkles, a few drops of blood splattered on his pants. I could feel a small panic come over me the more I looked. He must have come from the chain room.

Father is a classy man, always dressed properly. Usually in gray or black. He says that his formal attire makes customer's feel he is trust worthy. Something they gravely miss judge.

He stepped in running a hand through his gray blond hair and sighed. "Here Mira take these" he pulled a few white circles from his pocket. I could feel my heart in my throat, I didn't want him to come any closer. His slow steps as he began to talk made me want to run, but I didn't. "Mira, in 2 days you will be leaving. That means I have looked after your worthless life for 16 years." Paused stopping in his steps, looking around the room. "So many times I thought about killing you or leaving you for the dogs. But I didn't Because of the money you're making me." He stepped toward me again.

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