Tagging (Jimmy Hopkins x Reader)

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Chatting with my fellow preps, I spot Jimmy leaving the Harrington House, figuring he had planned with Derby to cause shenanigans to the Greasers again.

He clutched my hand, pulling me out of my conversation with Gord and Bryce.

"You're coming with me." Jimmy orders, as if I'm unable to have a say about it.

"Uh, to where exactly?" I questioned, raising am eyebrow.

"New Coventry. I'm going to send a message to those grease-covered scum." He plants a serious expression on his face. Jimmy sure is intimidating sometimes.

"Don't you usually go on these 'missions' alone?"

He shrugs. "I'm tagging their place. I don't wanna do it alone. Come on, (Y/N). Think of it as like, a fun friendly date."

"You call tagging a date?" I snickered lightly. He playfully nudged my shoulder and pleads me to go.

"Alright, alright, I'll come with you."

I waved goodbye to my friends and headed with Jimmy to grab our bikes.


Jimmy tagged on the tunnel entering New Coventry.

Jimmy wuz here!

"Dude, that's lame." I jokingly told him.

He rolls his eyes in annoyance. "Shut up, (Y/N)."

We proceeded to graffiti available locations where it can be easily seen, while keeping hidden from the cops and Greasers. Most of them were either smoking or taunting hobos.

We decided to tag the signs atop building roofs for a huge playoff. Jimmy took over one building and I covered the one across.

Quit causing oil spills, greasebags! I wrote on the large billboard.

We glanced at each other at the same time.

"Haha! Nice!" Jimmy exclaims from across, sticking his hand in the air, portraying a dorky air high five.

Departing from the roof, I met up with him between the structures on the cobblestone pathway.

"Thanks for your help, (Y/N). I had a lot of fun." he proclaimed happily.

I nodded in agreement and handed him a physical high five. Our short interaction was rudely interrupted when a Greaser yelled at us from a distance.

"Hey, Hopkins! What are you doing here?"

We looked simultaneously in surprise. It was Peanut, along with Lefty and Ricky. He darted his attention to the spraycans in our hands.

After a brief moment, he finally learned what we've been doing.

"... You're dead, Hopkins! Along with your little preppy girl friend!" Peanut badgered. The 3 greaseballs began chasing at us.

"Uh oh, we need to go!" I rattled Jimmy by the shoulders.

Without a word, he suddenly picked me up bridal style, startling me to scream in fright. I held tightly around his neck as he sprinted towards the direction away from them. He was surprisingly fast.

"Catch me if you can, greasebags!" Jimmy sinisterly laughs, not losing pace. I looked back at Peanut and his buddies, who were slowing down tiredly while their fists waved in the air.

Exiting New Coventry, we stopped by the abandoned motel and hid behind the bushes just in case. Jimmy carefully placed me down, resting his hands on his knees and breathing heavily.

"Are you okay, Jimmy?" I asked, concerned. He looked up and nodded, uncovering his flushed red face.

"What you did was awesome, but I could've ran myself you know?" I lied. Considering how lazy I am, I probably would've stayed put.

Jimmy shot an irritated expression, he knew me too well that that was B.S. I shrugged in response.

He finally caught his breath and straightened his posture. I decided to fill the void.

"I just noticed, you're pretty short for someone who's so tough." I giggled softly.

He deathly stared at me but chuckled soon after. He'd pummel any guy who teased about his height, with the exception of me of course, to show that he was more resilient either way.

Still by the motel, we continued to make some small talk, easily distracting us from the time. It began getting dark which signaled us to leave.

"Wait, since we're still here, wanna go see a movie?" Jimmy suggested.

I beamed widely in agreement. "Of course."

He nonchalantly grabbed my hand. His icy cold fingers intertwined with mine, causing me to faintly blush. We strolled over to the cinema and he kindly offered to pay everything, from the tickets to the popcorn and drinks. Naturally feeling bad, he reassures me not to worry about it, since it was all for me.

Jimmy's not the most romantic guy, but he definitely knows how to keep someone feeling special.


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