The all nighter - Chapter 6

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Avery and Kaci sat on the couch in Kaci's apartment with 4 glasses of wine in front of them. They were waiting for Maihua and Pypher to come over with their stuff and snacks.

Suddenly they heard three knocks on the door.

Pypher: *Knock* Kaci.*Knock* Kaci. *Knock* Kaci.

Kaci: The door is opennnn.

Maihua walked through the door with loads of snacks and films, Pypher walked through with pillows, quilts and blankets.

Maihua: Now, where are we all sleeping?

Kaci: Well, I've got a double bed, a couch and an inflatable bed. So who wants to go on what?

Pypher: I want the air mattress!

Avery: I want this comfy couch that ma ass is resting on right now.

Kaci turned to Maihua.

Kaci: Guess we're sharing the bed then.

Kaci smiled, causing Maihua to blush slightly.

Maihua: Pass me the wine, cause I need it now!

They all took a sip of wine and turned on a film. Half way through the film, they were all on the third glass of wine.

Pypher: This is boring let's do something else!

Avery: Oooooooh what about karaoke?

Kaci: Yeah! Let's do it!

Kaci put on some karaoke on the television (it was connected from her phone, bluetooth connected).

Pypher: Avery, cause it was your idea, you should go first.

Avery: Fine! I want Cannibal by Ke$ha, and I'm going to do the TikTok dance to it!

Kaci rolled her eyes but put it on anyway. Avery was a terrible singer! Avery had tried to do the dance but failed when her legs gave up after she quickly inhaled her glass of wine. Everyone began laughing their heads off, not being able to breathe at the fact Avery had just collapsed to the floor while dancing.

Avery: It's not funny!

Kaci: Yes it is!

Avery: Maihua! You're next!

Maihua: Ok, guys you are about to see something that may scar you, you have been warned.

Maihua turns on (😉)Sexy drug by falling in reverse and immediately turns her top energy all the way up to 100, she goes up to Kaci's face and starts singing the song, making chills go down Kaci's spine.

Sexy girl come lie with me, I'm
frustrated sexually
Like O-M-G you make me cum
cum, cum please . (Lyrics to song)

Kaci got lost in Maihua's eyes until Avery broke the moment.

Avery: So, Pypher ran away, but you were too busy to notice while you were having your little moment, yeah, I saw it.

Maihua: Wait, she ran away? Where?

Avery: I assume back to your apartment, she was probably horrified at your singing Maihua.

Kaci was still speechless. How could someone be that hot and be a sincere person? Like my mind is blown.

Maihua: Kaci?

Kaci snapped out of her thoughts and looked at Maihua.

Kaci: Yeah?

Maihua: Avery went to get Pypher, what do you wanna do while we wait?

Kaci looked at Maihua. Oh many, many things Maihua...

Kaci: I don't know, you think of something.

Maihua: The entire point of me asking you was cause I didn't have an idea, wait- let's get more wine.

Kaci: Yes. More wine.

Kaci quickly poured themselves more wine and quickly began drinking it.

Maihua: Woah, slow down.

Kaci: No, I will not slowwww downnn.

Kaci went back to the kitchen and finished off the rest of the wine bottle.

Maihua: Well now we don't have any wine left.

Kaci: I have two more bottles, I keep them just incase something like this happens.

Avery walked back into the apartment with Pypher.

Avery: Maihua you've scarred her, what have you done?

Maihua: I did warn you, but we've got bigger problems than that, Kaci just finished the wine bottle we were drinking, she does have more but she's gonna be hammered soon enough.

Pypher: Ha, that's what happens on an all nighter with your girls.

Maihua rolled her eyes.

Maihua: Well I think we should make some TikToks or go live on Tiktok.

Pypher: You have an obsession with that app.

Kaci: That sounds fun, let's do it.

So Maihua found some TikTok dance songs, yet they only did two before getting bored. They had decided to go live but without telling the viewers they were together. Maihua and Kaci both went live, they had kept up the act for a while until Maihua got a message in the chat about Kaci's TikTok, telling her she should check her out. Maihua said she would dm her, however what the fans didn't know was that Maihua was texting her to leave and knock on the door of the apartment.

And so Kaci and her live walked out of the room, Kaci has told her live that she was going to see her friend and so when she knocked on the door, Maihua filmed the door, and Kaci filmed the opposite side.

Maihua: Come in!

Kaci walked through the door and Maihua's audience was shocked and confused, so was Kaci's audience as she had just straight up walked into the room where Maihua was.

Maihua: Oh hey Kaci! I was just talking about you!

Kaci: Oh how coincidental!

Maihua turned the camera back towards herself.

Maihua: Yeah, me and Kaci are neighbours and were actually having an all nighter at her apartment right now, Avery and Pypher are here too, Ag and Hope has to go home.

Maihua: Well guys I'll see you later, stay safe, bye!

Kaci ended her live too. They all sat on the couch, turning on Netflix.

Avery: So what're we gonna watch?

Pypher: Let's watch a tv series or something!

Kaci: Let's watch On My Block!

Maihua: Fine, but you have to bring all the snacks over, there is 3 seasons and I don't have the intention to get up and get food so, bring the snacks to me.

Kaci brought all the snacks, some more wine, some blankets and pillows and a phone charger.

Pypher: Why have you brought a phone charger with you?

Kaci:To eat it obviously! Pypher, to charge my phone, it's gonna die soon.

Pypher: Oh makes sense.

They all made themselves comfy, Pypher and Avery both covered themselves in a blanket and used about 3 pillows, Maihua and Kaci sat next to each other, Kaci leaned her head on Maihua's shoulder as Maihua pulled a blanket over both of them.

They started the show and sat in silence.

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