Attempt #2 - Chapter 5

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Kaci went to visit Hope. It was the only way she could fix things with Maihua. Kaci knocked on Hope's door, to be greeted with the barking of a dog.

Hope opened the door and Cinnamon ran out and jumped at Kaci.

Kaci: Hey Cinnamon, who's a good girl, who's a good girl.

Kaci said as she was stroking the dog.

Hope: Oh Kaci, I wasn't expecting you. Are you and Maihua still on bad terms?

Kaci: Is that what she called it? Well, I tried to fix it but of course I fucked up that chance by pressuring her to tell me why she was ignoring me.

Hope: And do you know why?

Kaci: She didn't like it because it was with you and, you knew that she like me more than a friend...

Kaci's heart stung thinking of Maihua's face when I said I didn't like her like that.

Hope: But why're you here?

Kaci: I need help becoming friends with Maihua again, and to do that I need you, you need to convince Maihua to talk to me again, if you tell her that we both weren't thinking right, and how it meant noting, maybe she'll consider talking to me again.

Hope: Sure, I can do that for you. Well for Maihua too, she's been really distant lately.

Kaci looked downwards.

Kaci: Ugh! I've made her feel even worse now!

Hope: Kaci, it's not your fault, she didn't want you to know she like you.

Kaci: That's the thing, I pressured her into telling me that, so it is my fault.

Hope: But Kaci, she isn't gonna feel better about you not talking to her, that just makes her feel even just need to talk to her.

Kaci: Okay, time for attempt #2.

~At Maihua's apartment~

Knock. Knock. Knock. Kaci has knocked on Maihua's door like that because if Maihua wasn't going to answer she knew Pypher would.

Pypher opened the door and when she saw Kaci she looked behind herself.

Pypher: Okay Maihua is in her room, I assume you're going to talk to her?

Kaci: What makes you think I'm not here for you?

Pypher rolled her eyes and motioned for Kaci to come in.

Kaci headed for Maihua's room, she hesitated before knocking gently on the door. Maihua shakily spoke.

Maihua: What is it now Pypher?

Kaci: ...Maihua...can I come in?

Maihua quickly got herself up, made her bed neat and wiped away the tears before answering the door.

Maihua: Kaci?

Kaci: Maihua, I know you were crying, you don't need to hide your tears, it won't make you any less of a strong woman.

Maihua just walked back into her room and collapsed in the bed. Tears slowly coming out of her eyes again.

Maihua: But it does Kaci, crying has never made me stronger. Crying has only weakened my ability to not cry when I'm upset.

Kaci went and lay next to Maihua, she hugged Maihua.

Maihua: Crying only shows weakness.

Kaci: Crying also shows that you are sensitive, that you care, that you have strong feelings and it shows that no matter what, you can become stronger. Maihua, every time you cry, you learn a bit more on life, how it can hurt you, but then you continue living your life, showing everyone that you are a strong individual...and that boring can bring you down.

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