An Eventful Game Night - Chapter 3

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~2 months after Kaci had moved in~

Kaci: So, I've got exciting news!

Maihua: What is it?

Kaci: I got an audition! I'm going to it in like 5 minutes.

Maihua: Oh cool, what is your audition for?

Kaci: It's just a commercial for Walmart but it could be my break through.

Maihua: That's great! I hope you have fun, oh do you want to come round after, play some video games with the girls, chill and just have some fun..?

Kaci: That sounds great, but I've got to get going or I'll be late!

~1 hour after the audition, Kaci, Maihua, Hope, Pypher and Ag were playing video games in Maihua's apartment~

Ag: Hope! To your left, to your left!

Hope: Got them but Kaci and Maihua are coming up on your right!

Kaci: Ha, I'm too quick for you Ag!


Ag threw her controller and screamed in rage. Hope, Kaci and Maihua all laughed at Ag's rage.

Suddenly, Hope's phone rang.

Hope went outside to take the phone call.

Hope: Hello?

Gemma: Im sorry, but we're over.

Hope was slowly leaning into the wall, tears in her eyes.

Hope: W-wait, Gemma, listen to me please, tell me what I did wrong!

Gemma: Its not you it's me, I just don't love you like I used to.

Hope: But-

Gemma ended the call, leaving Hope crying to herself. Hope slowly fell to the floor, her head resting in her hands as she let the tears come out. She was out there for 30 minutes before she built up the courage to go back in. As Hope walked back into the apartment her eyes were read and puffy and tears had left red lines down her face.

Hope: G-Gemma broke up w-with me.

Hope burst into tears again as Pypher came to hug her.

Kaci was confused, she had never seen the comforting side of Pypher before, she was about to comfort Hope when suddenly her phone rang. Kaci didn't want to leave but it could be her acting break through.

Kaci: Guys I'll be right back, Hope stay strong for me. Please?

Hope nodded as Kaci patted her back and left the apartment to answer the phone.

Kaci: Hello?

Director: Hey this is Kaci, if I'm correct?

Kaci: Yes! I auditioned for the Walmart advert.

Director: Yes...about that, I'm sorry to say that you weren't fit for this job, thank you for auditioning.

Kaci: Okay then, thank you.

Kaci face palmed herself. Of course I didn't get it, why would anyone hire me, guess I'm just not cut out for acting, Kaci thought, making tears form in her eyes, Kaci walked back inside.

Kaci: Hey, I'm going for a drink at the pub, I'll see you later!

Maihua looked at Kaci and saw her eyes were red and slightly puffy, slowing building up tears.

Maihua: Okay but are-

Kaci turned around and slammed the door behind her before Maihua could finish her sentence.

~At the pub~

Kaci ordered a beer with ice. She sat at the bar and thought about life.

How has life turned out like this? I live by a bunch of lesbians, I've left my family behind, I've just lost my acting break through and no one loves me. Life is fucking great right now!

Her beer was slid over to her and just as she was about to take her first sip, Hope sat in the seat next to her.

Hope: Hey.

Hope's voice was shaky, still on the verge of tearing up again.

Hope: You looked upset when you left, something happen?

Kaci quickly took quite a few sips of her beer before talking.

Kaci: Well, my life is going terribly, my career is never going to happen and this acting career dream, is just gonna stay a dream, I didn't get the part, I didn't get my acting break through. But, you shouldn't be comforting me, I was the one who walked out while you were dealing with your break up.

Hope asked for 12 shots of tequila with lime.

Hope: Well, I'm drinking my sorrows away, just as you are doing.

Kaci: You gonna drink all 12 shots by yourself?

Hope: Nope, let's drown in our sorrows together!

And with that, the shot competition started. First to finish their 6 shots would get 3 drinks bought for them by the loser. And of course, Kaci won the competition.

Kaci: You know what, instead of 3 drinks for me, why not get another rack of shots, 16 this time.

Hope did as she asked and bought a rack if 16 shots, this time it was first to drink all 8 of their shots, gets $25. Kaci won again. Except instead of getting the $25 she brought Hope to a night club, they danced for several hours until their legs were shaking. (😉😂)

Kaci called a taxi for them and went back to her building. She went up the stairs with Hope, falling over a few, no, quite a few times. Their random giggles filled the stairway as they reached Kaci's floor, except Kaci accidentally went into Maihua's apartment instead. Maihua, Pypher and Ag were all out so no-one could stop them. Kaci dragged Hope into Maihua's room and pinned her against the wall, kissing her neck. She then moved to the bed get the idea.

~9 hours later~

Kaci woke up with her head banging, she was in a bra and underwear only, she looked to her right and saw Hope also in just a bra and underwear , then she realised she was in Maihua's apartment.

Shit. Ow, I don't remember anything last might but...if Hope and I both woke up in the same bed and only wearing underwear does that mean...shit, shit, shit and I have to figure out a way to sneak out before Maihua or Pypher notice, okay it's 5:30 am, I don't think they'll be here.

Kaci slowly crept out of Maihua's room, forgetting she was only in underwear, so she went back in and got her clothes forgetting to put them on . Then crept out again and when she saw Maihua sitting on the couch, her heart dropped.

Maihua turned and saw Kaci trying to sneak out. Looking her straight in the eye.

Kaci: M-Maihua it's not what it looks like I-

Maihua: Kaci, just leave before Pypher wakes up.

Too late. Pypher walked out her room, yawning until she saw Kaci in underwear and smeared make up and saw hickeys all over her neck

Pypher: Why is Kaci here?

Kaci: Hey Pypher it's not what it looks like-

Pypher: It looks like you slept with Hope so if it's not what it looks like then you clearly didn't sleep with Hope, and the bed is messy and has Hope in it so that means, you didn't touch the bed so in conclusion you slept in the floor on the opposite side of the bed to Hope and your clothes magically came off, along with Hope's clothes.

Kaci just stared in confusion at Pypher.

Maihua: Kaci just leave.

Kaci: Maihua it really isn't what it looks like-

Maihua stood up and looked Kaci straight in the eyes, she had a blank expression and a strict voice.

Maihua: Kaci, leave before I force you to.

And with that Kaci left, leaving Pypher confused and Maihua in distraught.

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