~Chapter 8~

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*Sam's p.o.v*

Colby and I just stood there, looking at each other. I mean, it's not a bad site to look at. ((Why did I write that-))

"What the f*ck are you doing here, Golbach?" Colby said rudely

"I could ask you the same f*cking thing, Brock"  I returned the rudeness

"Whatever" He said sitting where he was 2 days ago when we met

I wanted to go sit beside him, but I chose not to, I just kept staring at him

"Do you need something?" He said annoyed

"N-no" I said trying not to blush

"So then stop looking at me!" I swear when he turned away, I saw him smile and blush

*Colby's p.o.v*

You know how I had a feeling this morning that told me I should come here? Ya, now I have a feeling that I should tell Sam about my past. But I'm not sure...

I looked through the corner of my eye and saw Sam looking at me

"Do you need something?" I asked kinda sounding annoyed

"N-no" He said starting to blush

I then I yelled, "Then stop looking at me"

I could feel myself starting to blush, so I quickly faced the other direction, and muttered under my breath,  "Are you gonna stand the whole time? Or are you gonna sit?"

"Sorry, what was that?" Sam said, I just looked and glared at him

"I said, are you going to stand the whole time, or are you gonna sit?" I said annoyed

"I don't know Brock, what do YOU want me to do?" Sam then said with a smirk

"I don't care what you do" I turned away from Sam

"So you're saying that if I went to go kill myself then you wouldn't care?" Something about Sam's voice sounded sad ((Well no sh*t🤦‍♀️))

"No, I'm not saying if that you did that I wouldn't care-" I started

"So you care about me?" This kid is getting on my nerves.

"I'm gonna kill you if you don't shut up!" I yelled angrily at him. Then, I saw his face go from happy, to terrified in a split second, he started getting tears in his eyes and backing away from me.

"Sam... I didn't mean to offend you or anything!"  I said getting up

"G-get a-away f-from m-me" He said, tears falling from his eyes. Then Sam ran down to the parking lot, I was running as fast as I could, with thoughts coming in and out of my head,

'Why is he running? Does he hate me? Is there something about me that he doesn't like? Does he know about my past?'

I then saw Sam go into his car, and leave, I looked down at my feet, and I saw Sam's phone on the ground.

I drove back to my house, and rushed into the house, flopped onto my bed and took out Sam's phone. I know a trick on how to hack into people's phones, so I was on his phone in less than 5 minutes.

I know this is kind of stockerish, but I needed to ask one of his friends something. I went onto his contacts and found Corey's number, I added him to my contacts. I was really tempted on looking through his phone, but I put it down and started texting Corey


Colby-  Hi Corey, this is Colby, I was wondering if you could do something for me


It wasn't until 3:00 when he texted me back, I forgot that there was school


Corey-  One, how the f*ck did you get my number, and two, why should I help you?

Colby-  It's a long story, but I need you to ask Sam why he keeps running away from me whenever we are in the middle of talking

Corey-  Well If I ask him, he will be sus. But I might be able to help if you tell me what happens when you guys talk. I know what happened 2 days ago, but what happened today?

Colby-  Well, once I got to the waterpark, and to the spot that we go to, I went up one way, and he went up the other way.

Corey-  What else??

Colby-  I saw him looking at me, so then I asked if he needed anything. and he said no.  After that, I asked if he was gonna stand the whole time, or if he was actually gonna sit, then he started to be annoying

Corey-  How was he being annoying? Cause Sam isn't annoying

Colby-  Well first he asked "what did you say?" even though I knew he heard me, but I repeated it, then he said, "I don't know, what do you want me to do?"   After that, I said, "I don't care what you do" 

Corey-  Is there anything else?

Colby-  Yes. Sam said, "So if I go kill myself you wouldn't care?" I said that I didn't mean it like that, and he said "So you care about me?"  And the last thing that I said before Sam started freaking out, was, "I'm gonna kill you if you don't shut up!"

Corey-  You f*cked up dude, you f*cked up SO bad...

Colby-  How?

Corey-  I can't really tell you, that's the thing.

Colby-  So I have to figure it out myself!?

Corey-  Yeah, sorry man

Colby-  Fine, whatever, bye

Corey- See ya


A few minutes after I finished texting Corey, something crossed my mind.

'Wait. The first time Sam and I met, he left after I hit his shoulder. And this time, he left after I yelled at him.  Was he being abused by the people he lives with?  Or maybe with some people he lives near?  Does he even live with anyone? Is that why he wouldn't answer my question?'

hellooo!! I hope you guys liked that very long chapter! Sorry about that. There was a lot to say in it. Anyways I hope you guys are having a nice time staying in your houses!  I have to start online classes next week😒😒😢😢 Also, if you have any tips on writing, please tell me cause I suck at writing😂   Thanks for reading!! Ilysm!!!


Word Count-  1051

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