he is imperfect

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Normally when people say they like Oikawa, they usually say that they do because he's hot or handsome or good at volleyball. Sure, you think those too but one of your reasons is his imperfection. His imperfection of being a perfectionist. He could never appreciate himself and he could never be satisfied with what he's doing.

You walked on the path you all know too well and that's the path to the gym. You sighed as the sound of the ball hitting the ground got louder and louder at every step.

Iwaizumi messaged you again on how Oikawa wouldn't stop practicing again. You were greeted by Oikawa's face covered in sweat as he looked at the court as if it were his biggest enemy.

He breathes in as he jumps for another serve for it to slide against his palm. He collapses on the ground and finally breaks down.

Not a lot of people have seen Oikawa cry. Even Iwaizumi has only seen him cry a few times. He wasn't one to show his vulnerability to anyone. You crouched down near him and as soon as he felt your presence he crawled his way to you and jumped in for a hug. You ended up falling with your back on the floor and him on top of you. You could feel his sobs and heavy breathing on your neck and you could feel his sweat and tears on you. You stayed like that for a bit as finally he stood up.

You watched him as he started disassembling the volleyball net as you took it as a cue to help him. You started to pick up some balls and put them in a basket. You also started to mop the floor in complete silence. You didn't need to ask Oikawa if he was okay and you didn't need to ask him what was wrong because you already knew and he knows that.

"I'll just go change." He says as you just nod and you watch his figure disappear. You sat outside on a bench near their club room. As soon as he saw him, you stood up quickly as you two made your way home in silence.

"Thank you." He says with a smile as you smiled back. As you were near your houses, he suddenly stopped in his tracks as he pointed at the convenience store.

"Buy one, take one!" He screamed as he read the poster outside the store about his favorite ice cream flavor being on a promo. You smiled as you saw how he was back to his dorky self. Soon, he came out with two ice creams on hand. He handed one to you and you were about to pay him but he stopped you.

"Buy one, take one." He says with a sheepish grin and all you could do was giggle.

"Oh yeah! The guy you like." He says licking the sides of his ice cream.

"He's imperfect." You say.

"Aren't we all though? You're making this hard for me to guess f/n-chan." He says with a huff.

"Nah you're just dumb."

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you are."

"I'm not!!"

This went on as you both reached your homes.

"Yes you are!" You scream as you quickly got into your home locking the door behind you giving Oikawa no chance to rebut.

"That's unfair!" Oikawa says knocking at your door for you to open it.

"You really are dumb, Oikawa."

i like you; oikawa x reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now