Chapter Two

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A picture of 'the blues' above :)


"Yeah Mum, I'm fine." Adriel sighed for the tenth time since her mother called, although she secretly loved her mother's overly affectionate ways.

She was on her way to the grocery shop. She needed to stock up on food or she won't have the time later. Schoolwork had started officially and she needed to start preparing asap.

She loved reading and always enjoyed the learning process. She hadn't missed a day since resumption. She's made more friends. One, in particular, stuck out, her name was Cassey. They got along so well that Adriel almost believed she was her lost twin, well asides the fact that Adriel was black and she was caucasian.

"Don't forget your vegetables and fruits." Her mum chirped over the phone.

"Okay, Mum." Adriel paused briefly before adding,

"Say hi to Dad for me."

"Will do dear." Her mother replied cheerily.

"Even though he hadn't been there for half the things he should have been." Adriel muttered under her breath.

Her Dad had been away on business off the island for a few weeks, so he'd missed her coming to school.

She sighed. She rarely saw him these days. They used to be very close but work just keeps drawing them further apart.

"I know hon. He's trying his best. You know he loves you right?" Her mother sighed.

Adriel didn't answer her question.

"Goodnight Mum. Love you." She cut the call and sighed.

Adriel drove the cart to the aisle and began picking out the things she needed. It was muscle memory that kept her hands busy but her mind was far away.

She knew why her mum was so overprotective of her. She was all she had left after her brother died eight months ago but Dad took every chance he got to avoid her.

The grief had brought her and her mum closer but it seemed it was tearing her and her father further apart.

"Ow. Watch it." A voice snapped her from her thoughts.

Right in front of her was a group of four boys, all dressed up casually for the night.

They were getting beer and cigarettes, probably getting ready for a party. One had gold blond hair with pearl blue eyes.

The other had dark hair with dark green eyes, the third had dark hair with hazel eyes and the fourth was-

"Jayden." She gasped surprised. He turned at the sound of his name. Her heart immediately sped up.

The four of them looked like something from a magazine.

Was everyone in the school like this?

She's seen gorgeous people in her life but these people were off the charts. Jayden smiled at her. He looked surprised to see her.

He definitely looked like he remembered her. His eyes widened in recognition.

"Adriel." He said her name. Involuntarily, shivers ran up her arms at the sound of his voice. And she didn't love the way he said her name any less.

His light green eyes held her in place like an invisible force and she couldn't move. She could tell he still had the same effect on her as he did at the orientation.

"I haven't seen you around for a while now. I was hoping we'd meet again. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't been keeping an eye out for you." He said with a smile and she found herself being trapped once again in his enchanting gaze.

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