Chapter Ten

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Cordy and Joel spent the day together, preparing for their interviews later on. This was their last day in the Capitol before the Games, and they didn't want to waste a second. They were allowed to wear the clothes they were Reaped in, and the cold leather on Cordy's arms was nothing short of heavenly. She longed to feel her father's arms around her again, the scratchiness of his stubble on her cheek as he kissed her goodnight.

She even missed arguing with her mother in the kitchen. That infernal book in her hands that caused so many problems between them. She remembered her mother's coldness and how she had melted when she came to say goodbye. She thought about her parents, and wondered how they were coping with her being a tribute. She imagined their faces watching the Parade and then seeing her training score last night. How proud her mother must be; finally she had a daughter who was successful.

"What's your plan for tonight?" Joel asked.

"Go in, don't fall off the stage." Cordy said, chuckling.

"You know what I mean."

She shrugged. "I guess just be myself."

"That'll work."

"What about you?"

Joel sat down in one of the chairs. He thought for a few minutes, his nose scrunched up and his brow furrowed.

"I guess I'll just wing it." He said.

"You did really well in training," Cordy said, "just play to your strengths."


With less than an hour to go before the interviews, Cordy and Joel were taken away by Florian and Xanthe to try on their new clothes. She expected something relatively plain, so when Florian revealed her outfit, she gasped.

The top half consisted of a green flannel open shirt with a white undershirt. The bottom half was a pair of black leggings, much like the ones she wore to work back home.

"Do you like it?" Florian asked.

"It's a lot better than I expected." She confessed.

"What were you expecting?"

"Something girly, like a dress."

"You wouldn't suit a dress."

"You're telling me."

Florian started laughing, and once he started then he couldn't stop. He turned around and faced the wall so Cordy could get dressed. Once she was ready and he turned around, he had tears running down his cheeks. He smiled when he saw her checking her reflection in the standing mirror.

"It looks good on you." He said.

Cordy turned to looked at Florian, and she wiped her eyes with her hand before thanking him and leaving without another word. There was something about watching her go that made his heart ache. Despite being a Capitol citizen and a Stylist, he resented the President for what he was putting the districts through. He hated those around him for being so excited and enthusiastic about tomorrow, and he hated himself for being the one to make Cordy a star.


They stood in line backstage, waiting for their turn to go out into the blinding lights. Cordy stood in front of Joel, knowing that the female tribute always went first. She felt the thick material of her shirt starting to weigh down on her shoulder, and the familiar burning sensation sent tongues of searing pain down her arm. Her fingers began to twitch, and she noticed the remaining Careers watching her. She saw Katie, looking beautiful in a stone grey dress that seemed to shimmer as she moved, and instantly she felt Joel's hand on her arm.

"I know what you're thinking," He whispered, "don't."

Reluctantly, she stayed put. Gradually the line of tributes shrunk until only the boy from 6 was left in front of them. Once he was called on to the stage, Cordy felt her heart starting to race. She remembered the way her legs gave out on the chariot and how Joel had held her up, and in that moment she realised just how crucial it was that she protected Joel tomorrow for as long as she could.

"Cordy Williams, District 7." The stagehand called.

She took a deep breath and walked out onto the stage to rapturous applause. She was greeted by a short man with dark blue hair and a matching blue suit with flickering lights that looked like stars. He smiled at her with teeth that were way too white. This was Caesar Flickerman, the seemingly immortal host of the Hunger Games.

"Welcome Cordy!" He said.

They sat down in two white chairs in the centre of the stage, and the interview began.

"So, Cordy," Caesar said, "how does it feel to be a tribute in the first New Era Hunger Games?"

Cordy chose her words carefully, remembering that the people in the crowds were the Sponsors that could save her life.

"It's an experience." She said.

Caesar laughed. "A good one, I hope?"

"I've never eaten so much food in my life!"

Another laugh, and this time the crowd joined in. She was winning them over slowly. There was hope for her yet.

"Ok, let's look at a big question. How did you manage to gain such a high training score with a damaged shoulder?"

"The shoulder isn't gonna stop me from trying, don't write me off just yet!"

This statement won another round of applause. The audience were on their feet now, clearly ecstatic about her grit and determination. Caesar waited for the celebration to cease before asking another question, one that left Cordy stunned.

"I know that you're close friends with your district partner, as well as with one of the tributes from District 2. What happens in the arena if you come face to face with them?"

She spoke with true conviction, meaning every word she said. Joel would be watching backstage, and Katie was most likely watching from her apartment. She was no longer talking to the audience, or even to Caesar; now she was talking to her friends.

"My friends mean everything to me," She said, "and I will protect them both as best I can once the Games begin. Nobody deserves to be here, knowing what's coming tomorrow, but they deserve to go home far more than I do."

She finished talking, and for a moment there was silence. Backstage, Joel was crying, and he did his best to stem the tears when Cordy stood up with Caesar and the roaring of the crowd deafened him. She was their champion.

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