Chapter Four

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Cordy was woken up by Joel poking her shoulder. She looked up at him, bleary-eyed, and almost rolled out of bed in shock.

"What the hell are you doing?" She cried.

"We're going to District 4 today, remember?" Joel replied.

"And you take forever to wake up." Katie added.

Cordy sat up and rubbed her eyes. Once she was able to see again, she spotted Katie stood in the corner, grinning like a maniac. She got out of bed, thankful for her nightwear and ushered Joel out of the room so she could get dressed.

"He's adorable." Katie said.

"He's just got the apprenticeship he wanted." Cordy replied.

"I'm so chuffed for him."

Cordy pulled a purple shirt and black jeans out of the wardrobe and pulled them on, and was alarmed when Katie poked her right shoulder.

"What's up?" She asked.

"Your shoulder's all bruised." Katie replied.

"It happens, I'm fine."

"I thought you were gonna go get it fixed?"

"The surgery to fix me is only done in the Capitol and costs more than my house!"

Katie laughed, and Joel re-entered the room sheepishly. He looked down at the floor until Katie kicked his back side, and then he smiled as Cordy pulled on her work boots.

"We're gonna miss the train at this rate!" Katie moaned.

"Oh, stop ya whining woman, I'm almost ready."

After a few more minutes, they were ready to leave. Cordy dived into the kitchen to give her parents a kiss before leaving, only to find her mother reading that infernal book again and her father nowhere in sight. She sighed and left, slamming the front door in the process.


District 4 had the most beautiful beaches they had ever seen. Crystal clear water lapped over their bare feet and the golden sand lodged between their toes as they walked along, laughing and joking like they had done for so many years. In those few hours, the fear was gone. There was no Reaping, no Hunger Games. There was only them, and it was bliss.

They found a secluded area of the beach to sit in the sand, and they watched the waves caress the shore. Fishing boats resembled grains of sand as they swayed on the water.

"I've got something for you both." Katie said suddenly.

She took out two small boxes and handed one to Cordy and Joel. They took them, unsure exactly of what to do.

"Open them then." Katie said, laughing.

Cordy opened hers first, and gasped. Sat on a tiny pillow was a stone pendant. At first glance it looked like a love knot similar to the ones her father carved at home. She took it out of the box, and it hung from a delicate silver chain. She looked to Katie, who was smiling so much it was a miracle her face didn't expand.

"It's gorgeous." Cordy said.

"Look closer at it." Katie advised.

She did, and she gasped. It was not a knot, but rather three letters woven together. A 'C', 'K' and a 'J' all interlinked. She hugged her friend, and Katie helped them both put their new necklaces on. She tucked hers beneath her shirt, feeling the smooth stone against her heart.

"I think we need to address the elephant on the beach." Cordy said.

"Yeah, we do." Agreed Katie.

"How are we all feeling?"

"Scared." Joel confessed.

"Me too," Katie said, "and not just for me."

"Your brother's old enough now, isn't he?" Cordy asked.

Katie nodded, and Cordy wrapped her arm around her best friend's shoulders. Joel slid over to her other side and stole her other arm.

"What happens if we're chosen tomorrow?" Joel asked.

"Then we take pride in the fact that we've got something worth fighting for." Katie said defiantly.

Not another word was said, and the three best friends sat on the beach in silence, arms locked around one another, watching the waves rock the boats and feeling the sand beneath their feet. They were going to enjoy this, what could potentially be their last day together.


The day drew to a close, and the trio boarded the train home. Katie and Cordy walked Joel home before heading to Cordy's house. They lingered for a moment, and Katie threw her arms around Cordy. She did nothing to stop her tears from falling down her best friend's back.

"I've never been so scared." She whimpered.

"Nor have I." Cordy replied, her own voice trembling.

"If it's my brother, I can't save him."

"If it's Joel, nor can I."

"But what if it's us?"

Cordy held Katie at arm's length and gently raised her face with her hand.

"If it's us, then we do what we always do."

"What's that?"

"We give 'em hell."


President Foster stared out of his window, watching the busy Capitol streets begin to slow down. He barely moved, even when a woman entered his office.

"Is everything ready for tomorrow?" He asked.

"Yes sir, everything is as requested." She replied dutifully.


"Is there anything else I can do, sir?"

"No thank you, Ziva, all is as it should be."

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