Chapter Five

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Her eyes were purple from fatigue and her skin appeared paler than usual. Stood in front of the mirror, she wore the same outfit from yesterday, the only difference being a black leather jacket that hung on her bedroom door. It was her father's old work jacket, and feeling the cold leather against her trembling skin was a welcome relief. She brushed her hair one last time before walking slowly to her bedroom door. Before she left, she turned and looked around the room one last time, collecting all of the memories it contained, just in case.

The market square was full. Parents, including her own, were stood on the other side of a fence patrolled by armed Peacekeepers in their first appearance in District 7 since the Rebellion. Children stood in groups depending on their age and gender, and Cordy spotted Joel coming towards her. He was wearing a white suit shirt and black trousers, looking very much like he was attending a funeral. The two hugged quickly and Cordy looked him in the eye.

"You ok?" She asked.

"No." He said.

"Me neither, but it's ok. It'll be over soon."

Joel nodded before being collected by a Peacekeeper and taken to the line for his name to be added to the Reaping bowl. Cordy watched him go as she joined her own line, waiting for that prick on the finger that could sign her death warrant.

Once the blood drop was taken, Cordy joined her group and stood in place. She caught her father's eye and he winked at her, trying to reassure her. She clasped her hands tightly in front of her to try and contain the tremors, but to no avail. Silence fell over the square as the doors to the JusticeBuilding opened and a young man stepped out onto the stage. He wore a sky blue suit that contrasted with his white hair and pale complexion. He was clearly from the Capitol, though he seemed devoid of any body modifications that were synonymous with the Capitol. He spoke with an unnervingly normal voice as he stepped up to the microphone.

"Welcome all, to the first Reaping of a new era!" He said excitedly.

He paused, clearly waiting for a response. Receiving none, he continued his speech, reading from a stack of cue cards held in his hands.

"My name is Felix, and I have the honour of escorting and mentoring the tributes from District 7. Now, let us commence the Reaping Ceremony for the 1st Annual Hunger Games in a new age of honour and sacrifice."

Felix tucked his cards up his sleeve and stepped over to the first glass Reaping bowl. Cordy watched him, knowing that somewhere in that bowl was her name. could it be just below his fingers, or was it right at the bottom, safely tucked away out of his grasp?

She scolded herself for being so selfish. Whether she was chosen or not, this was wrong. No amount of money or power could ever change the guilt that a Victor would carry. She didn't want the name he pulled out to be hers, but equally she hoped that whoever was chosen suffered a painless death, one free of guilt and suffering.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Felix pulled a name out of the bowl. He waved it around before bringing it to eye level and opening it. He drew a sharp breath and looked up at the crowd.

"The female tribute for District 7 is..."

She closed her eyes.

"Cordy Williams."

She opened her eyes and saw her own name on the screen. She stepped out of the group and into the aisle leading up to the stage, surrounded by Peacekeepers just in case she decided to bolt. She climbed the stairs and stood on the stage. She looked out into the crowd and saw her father crying. Her mother had her face buried in his chest, unable to even look at the stage.

She couldn't look at the section where Joel stood. Instead, she looked out at the trees. She could see the yard from there, and she tried to focus on it to calm herself down. Felix shook her hand and she kept her eyes on the distance. Looking somewhat dejected, Felix turned to the male bowl and reached in.

"And the male tribute for District 7 is..."

She tried to hold one thought in her mind. Not him, not him, not him.

"Joel Dawson-Jones."

She was thankful for the railing in front of her or else she would have fallen off of the stage. How could this happen? The very first Hunger Games and they both end up being Reaped. Clearly the odds were never in their favour. Joel walked up onto the stage and Felix stepped back, encouraging them to shake hands. They defied that, and instead they embraced, locked together in front of everyone. They stayed that way for a few minutes before separating and looking out at the crowd together one final time. Then they were ushered into the JusticeBuilding, and the heavy wooden doors swung shut.


Cordy was led into a small room and instructed to wait. She paced around the room for a few minutes before the door opened and her parents walked in.

"Ten minutes." The Peacekeeper said.

Ten minutes to say goodbye.

The family hugged together and cried as a unit.

Nine minutes.

Her father took her shoulders and kissed her forehead.

"You can do this." He said, "I know you can."

"How do you know?" She stammered.

"Because I'm your father. I know these things."

Eight minutes.

Her mother pulled her close, pressing her head against her chest and stroking her hair.

"I love you so much." She said, "never forget that."

Seven minutes.

"Find an axe," Her father said, "you'll stand more of a chance."

Six minutes.

"I have to protect Joel." Cordy said, "he doesn't deserve this."

"Nor do you." Her mother replied.

Five minutes.

Cordy tried to give her father the jacket back, but he refused to take it.

"It looks better on you." He joked.

Four minutes.

Her heart is racing. So much to say and so little time.

"I love you both." She croaked.

Three minutes.

"If I don't come back- "

"Don't you talk like that!" Her mother said.

Two minutes.

One minute.

A final hug before her parents are escorted out of the room.

Now she was all alone in the silence. She watched her parents leave the building, but they stood in the open where she could see them, and her father saluted her. In that moment she made a promise to herself. She reached under her shirt and touched the pendant. One of them was coming home. If she didn't make it, then she would do everything in her power to help Joel win. District 7 would have the first Victor of the New Era.

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