Dylmas/Newtmas One Shot

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The Request
Wes sat in his trailer, with his unfinished script for The Death Cure. The book, which he was using for reference, was open to page 250. He kept glancing at the door, waiting for Thomas and Dylan to walk through. He'd called them about 10 minutes ago, because he had something to discuss with them.
"Why does he want us?" Dylan asked.
"Probably just about Newt's death scene," Thomas answered, casually. "He told me he was working on the script."
"We both know what happens," Dylan said, "he's talked to us before about it. Let's hurry, this is killing me."
They arrived at Wes's trailer, knocked, and entered without waiting for a response.
"Hey guys," Wes smiled. "Glad you could come."
"Why so formal?" Dylan asked, one eyebrow raised.
"I have a request to make of you."
"Oh?" Thomas said, waiting for him to go on.
"The thing is, I really think there should be a gay character in this series. We need more proper representation. I talked to James, and he agreed with me. We decided the most obvious character for this is Newt." Here Wes paused, and glanced at Thomas. When he didn't show any signs of disapproval, he continued. "Throughout the series, Newt clearly prefers the company of men. I've done my research, and the fans seem to think so as well. He's paired with nearly every guy. Some think he was Alby's boyfriend, some think he and Minho were a couple, and some think he had something with Thomas. Some think he was in love with them all. So, Thomas, what do you say?"
Thomas sat up, and replied, "I absolutely agree. We should have a gay character in the movie. As for it being my character, I have no problem with that. I'll have to check with my girlfriend, but I think she'll be fine with it."
"Wonderful!" Wes exclaimed, "I didn't really think you'd say no, but of course I had to ask. That's great."
Dylan, who had remained quiet this whole time, spoke up. "Hey, I'm really glad we're going to represent the LGBTQ community, but why did you call me here as well?"
Wes looked surprised, as if he'd forgotten Dylan was there. "Oh, I want Newt to kiss Thomas, before Thomas shoots him. Right before the 'Please, Tommy' bit."
Dylan and Thomas glanced at each other, eyebrows raised.
"Nothing big, of course. That would be out of place. Just a simple, chaste kiss, on the mouth. As if Newt has had a crush on Thomas for a long time. His declaration of hatred has to be erased by something, and I think this would be the best way."
"Well," Thomas said, after a few silent seconds, "I'm fine with that. We almost kissed that one time, while we were filming The Maze Runner. It would just be a smile push further, and all one sided. Pretty easy, if you ask me. However, I'm officially making it Dylan's decision. What do you say, Dyl?"
Dylan thought it over. "I guess that's fine. I'm straight, but I wouldn't mind kissing you, Thomas." He winked, making Thomas roll his eyes.

"That's so awesome, thank you so much," Wes said, grinning. "I gotta keep working on the script now, boys. Thanks for doing this."
As Dylan and Thomas were leaving, Wes called out, "One more thing, guys. We can't have any hesitation there while filming. It would slow things down. Practice, so you're comfortable with the kiss."
With that, the trailer door closed.

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