Chapter 3

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I wake up two weeks later and get ready for school wearing a crazy jeans and a cream off the shoulder top...I go down to the kitchen and meet my mum making breakfast.. After breakfast, my mum drives me to school and I bump into Tessa on my way in and we exchange greetings and we walk in together and start planning our revenge against Karen... I had already told Tessa to help me to get glitters and glue since she loves designing and she has like thousands of glitters.. When the bell rings for break period,I quickly run out of geometry class and find my way to Karen's locker and first I put the glitter in her locker and put spoilt pickles in her locker.. Then I close the locker and put a note on the locker and write "it's payback time"... When I see her coming, I run to the cafeteria and meet up with Tessa... When she gets to the locker and opens it, the glitter explodes and she is covered with glitter and a smell of spoilt pickles covers the whole hallway and she faints and water is poured on her and she wakes up drenched.. She then looks at me and I smile at her evily.. She then leaves the hallway and then the principal walks in and the other students start to run but I just stand there and look at the principal.. She then calls me to her office and calls my parents.. My mum gets there like 30 minutes later and my dad gets there 40 minutes later... My dad tries to talk to the principal to stop her from suspending me or expelling me and she listens to him and doesn't suspend or expel me instead she realizes that her daughter was wrong and suspends Karen for two weeks but she gives me detention for the prank I pulled... After the detention I get home and eat dinner with my family and get ready for bed and think about how I was saved today

What do you think will happen in chapter 4
I'm sorry for not posting all this while

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