Chapter 4

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Today is the day I am to resume fully after detention and I'm not too happy about it. Being in that high school is hell. But anyways, who cares about that? I have no one to talk to except Tessa and what can she do. I just continue thinking about everything while waiting for my mum to give me a ride to school.

"Liz, I'm ready can we go now?" My mum asks after coming out the front door.
"Yes mum, I've been waiting for you for a while now." I give her a reply while playing with my phone.
I put my headphones on and get into the car,drowning out everything my mum's saying and thinking about my life.
I meet Tessa at the school entry point as I have already told her to wait for me.
"Hey girl,what's up?" Tessa asks as I highlight from the car.
"I don't know how I will survive another year in this hell hole." I honestly and sadly reply.
"Don't worry, everything will be fine." Tessa says as she gives me one of her bear hugs.
I go towards the left to the first class of the day which is English and overhear the mean girls drooling over somebody and wonder who the person is. I enter into the class and a pair of blue eyes meet with my dark brown ones and I stand there,shocked.
I muster enough courage to go over to him and I instantly loved it.
"Hello,I'm Elizabeth but you can call me Liz." I say while stretching my hands out for a handshake.
"Hello, I'm Joshua, nice to meet you." He replies
"I have never seen anyone like you before,its wierd." He says"
"Well, you have now. This is the way I am and I can't do anything about it." I reply
"I know that, can we be friends". He asks
" Hmmm, yeah, we can." I answer back
" Great, so let's get ready for class." He says as our teacher enters.
I don't listen to anything he's saying and just keep staring at Joshua. Unfortunately, the teacher notices me.
"Miss Williams, mind telling the class what a phrase means?" Mr Liam Payne asks
" A phrase can be defined as em, I don't know sir." I reply and everybody starts laughing
"Okay, have your seat and pay attention pls." He advises.
The class goes on smoothly and lasts for about an hour and half and I rush out as soon as the class ends in order to tell Tessa what I saw today.
"Yo bro, how was English class." Tessa asks as soon as she sees me.
"It was the best, I tell ya." I reply
"Well,you can tell me all about it in geometry class,okay?" She says
We make our way to geometry class together and discuss as we wait for the teacher to come
"Dude, I saw this really cute guy today in English class." I tell Tessa
"Really? How cute is he." She asks
"He's super cute." I reply
"And I know you wanna have 15 of his babies." She says
"Shut up." I playfully tell her
We have the rest of our classes and close for the day and I go out to the parking lot to wait for my mum to show up
"Hey Liz." I hear a voice call out to me
I turn to check who the person is and see that its Joshua
"Hi Josh, how was today?" I ask and he smiles
"Today was good. This school is really nice."
As I open my mouth to reply him, I hear my mum's car pulling up.
"Bye, gotta go." I yell as I run towards my mum's car.

Im sorry I haven't been updating like I want to.
I have been so busy but I promise to make it up to you guys
What do you think will have between Liz and Josh
I'm open for suggestions
Thank you and love you

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