Ma'am Evelyn

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  It's the first conference in our high school in which all the parents were invited to discuss about their child's academic and behavioral problems. My parents just discussed my academic performance with my professor and was heading toward Winston'. Ma'am Evelyn asked my parents to sit down.

"Look your child is doing great in the class, submits his homework on time and is always attentive in the class but there is something you wanted to know" Ma'am Evelyn said. Ma'am Evelyn ask her assistant to allow Lily parents into the class. "You both sit here" She said while pointing to one of the tables. "Look Winston and Lily's parents you wanted to know something" she said. "Lily and Winston is kind of involved in a relationship; your students are great in class but they just sometimes skip the class and spend their time in the café. You can talk to the music lecturer and ask him how they do in class, because they never practice, they just talk and laugh. We encourage you to explain your children at home and ask them to stop, their lives are at stake. They may be doing great now but they can get weak at it and no one wants such great children to repeat their senior year." She continued.

"YOU ARE GROUNDED WINSTON" Mama shouted on the way home. "YOU JUST GO TO SCHOOL AND THEN RETURN AND THAT'S IT. I AM NOT ALLOWING ANY OTHER OF YOUR FRIEND OUR GIRLFRIEND TO ENTER MY HOUSE, AND IF YOU EVER MEET THAT GIRL AGAIN, I WILL SEND YOU BACK TO THE HOME TOWN TO STUDY AND THAT'S IT" Mama continued. "Mama we are not together but if you want me to not meet her in my music classes and fail at it so I will" Winston replied. "Just take help from her and you are not allowed to talk more than just work. AM I CLEAR?" Mama said. "OKAYYY!" Winston shouted.

Next day, "Lily what did your parents said?" Winston asked Lily on the way to the class. "They didn't say much just asked me to stop, which I'll never" Lily replied. "Same, my parents just said to stop and told me to talk about lectures only" Winston said. "Let's get back to the class before Ma'am Evelyn notices us again. Will meet you at the café in break. Be right there" Winston continued.

"What are you doing here together?" Ma'am Evelyn shouted at us in the café. "I told your parents to ask you to stay away but still you are here, you both are at detention till the school is over. UNDERSTOOD? And if I saw you both again, I will call your parents straight away and suspend you for a 1-week period. So, you better stop now our face the consequences later" She continued. They both spent the rest of days in detention. 

Why you bully me?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang