This not a letter of hurt but a letter of gratitude

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I was always the type to keep my feelings to myself
Never knowing how to let those closest to me know just how much they truly mean to me
I choose today to begin opening all that's in my heart
On This day I want to start by letting the one person in my life whom can never be replaced know the true impact she has had on me while she still has the chance to read it
I need her to know that not a day goes by that I don't think of her
You are my role model the second woman to tell me I was special
You taught me at a very young age that I was somebody
As a little child I sat and waited for you every other Friday and like clock work she pulled right up
She would look at me and give me the biggest smile
My heart would be full of so much joy she then said lets go and as we drove over the bridge we would have the best big sister/little sister talks
Believe or not I actually looked forward to them
I always looked up to her
I know I was such an annoying kid
My beautiful big sister you taught me what a real woman should and shouldn't do
I still can hear you say watch and listen more than you run your mouth
You always managed to pick up where mommy couldn't and I truly thank you
So if I never open up again know You are the very essence of what a woman should be
You are the very essence of what every mother should be I watched you sacrifice to no end for everyone of your children
If I never open up again just to say I LOVE YOU MORE THAN LIFE please know I truly do
know I tried my hardest to make you proud of me
When I made each and every mistake You never once judged me
you are one of the reasons I continue to fight in this life and never give up
When I think about giving up I can hear you say
Rhonda you come form a line of fighters Who Don't know what giving up is
You taught me to be confident and what true beauty consist of
Because of you I learnt how to shoot for the moon knowing that I belong among the stars
Because of you I never needed to look up to a super hero, you were then and are now all the super Hero a person could ever need

Queen Hester Legacy

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