Letter Two (You're always my biggest Cheerleader)

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I feel like we lost touch when you got married
I completely understand because I learned to understand
I wanted to reach out years ago but I never wanted my burden to be yours
I looked up to you growing up but as I grew into a woman I had to do that on my own
I just wish I was able to ask for help but I know when I chose a different path so much would be different on my part
I appreciate the seasons we were able to be apart of one another's lives
I'm ready to let go and understand that some relationships are best in the past
It's time I share my gift with the world
I truly thank you for always believing in me
I love you more than you will ever know

From my heart to yours
Truly I thank you,

She also responded to me in such a beautiful way. She was the first person to say listen you have a gift that needs to be shared. I was a teenager so I was like you only saying that because we are family. I didn't understand what she saw until I gained the wisdom this life had to teach. Once again I am beyond grateful for all your love and support.

Queen Hester Legacy

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