Letter Six (Everyone has a Story worth sharing)

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I received a phone call yesterday asking me to be a mentor and I'm thinking to myself ummmm my life is not the best of examples....so the person on the other end said listen think about it and get back to me! I hang up like I thought about it nope don't have time sorry "I can't help" is what I will tell her when she calls back!!!! So last night I was force to think about all the things I Had bottled up and tried to throw away. This morning it's was like a volcano of emotions flooding onto the phone line when  I received the call back and I was asked what is holding you back and before I could think I said disappointment...the person responded but you never met her before and I said I know I've been looking back over my life and at her age I had a ton of mentors I looked up to who all left my side because I disappointed them. She said I can't believe that so I said just to name some things: I started college and I quit I had a baby outside of wedlock Changed my religion, and got married in my early twenties and had many more children....then the person asked me do I regret my life...I'm like no way I've learnt soooo much! She then said well those are the things you teach.. So I'm sharing this to say never be ashamed of your life and what you've been through I'm sure you can help someone with your story!!!! I'm very proud of mine and I think I will become a mentor!!!!!

Queen Hester Legacy

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