Chapter 4: Dreamland

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Dreamland list characters:

Luna, the moon princess looks like: Lucy Hale

Shiloh 'The Deadly' Crowley looks like: Teddy Geiger

Opal looks like: Abigail Breslin

Mario looks like: Booboo Stewart

Anthony looks like: a younger Robbie Tucker

William (Will) looks like: Jonah Bobo

Grayson Marshall looks like: Emile Hirsch

Jony lookes like: Kirsten Dunst

Kate looks like: Megan Fox

Venus looks like: Shiloh Jolie Pitt

Chapter 4 Becky's POV: Dreamland

      There is something about the night that makes me feel extrodinary. It's the time where everything is peaceful and calm. Darkness is part of me. In my dreams, I am Luna the Moon princess. I have powers. I can control fire and water. In my dreams, I am a vampire slayer. The bad thing about my dream world is that there are only a few dozen of humans left. The dream world is called "Frelumana." I have no idea why it's called that I was created when I was really little.

      So there's this vampire that is the son of the first vampire I killed, I have tried to kill him many times. But it seems that my unconcious mind doesn't want him to leave. His name is Shiloh Crowley "the Deadly". The name is completely bogus. He has a bad temper but is incredibly wise, patient, out-going, funny and cares. I guess there is a soul mate for everyone, even the blood thirsty leeches like Shiloh.

     It's quiet nights like this that I think about the first time I realized I cared about him. It was 3 years ago. I was transporting a group of human children to the undergound hiding place. In this world, vampires live in regular houses while the humans are hiding in deserted areas. A few of the children are orphans. Some of them have survived vampire attacks.

        The children were between the ages of 13 months to 15 years old. The ones that were older than me treated me like an adult. They respected me and helped me with the younger children. There were about 37 children in all. I splite them up into five groups. There were 6 infants between the ages of 13-24 months or 'Group A'. Babies are not common because parents are placed into situations where they can't take care of them or are killed from vampire attacks.The next group is the largest because vampires don't enjoy to hunt children this young. There were 12 children between the ages of 3-6 years old 'Group B'. Then 5 children between the ages of 7-9 'Group C'. Last were the preteens and teenagers. There were eight 10-13 year olds 'Group Beta'. Finally there were six 14 and 15 year olds 'Group Alpha'.

        So two of the 14 year olds were in charge of leading Group A the toddlers. Then I had two 15 year olds, two 12 year olds and a 13 year old in charge of Group B the pre-school age group. After that I put a 14 year old and a 15 year old in charge of Group C which are kids in grades 1st-4th. I placed one 13 year old in charge of his age group.

         This is how it happened while I was leading the groups, one of the toddlers started walking the opposite direction. I told Opal and Mario the two 14 year olds that were in charge of Group A to keep walking and that I would go after little Anthony, the boy that walked away. They gave me uncertain nods in response and did what they were told. Opal informed the little ones that we were going to a place where there were montains of cookies.

       Lying to them didn't seem like a good idea to me. But people do it all the time with telling them about magical creatures like Santa Claus, Fairies, the Easter Bunny etc. exist. In this world no one does that, parents only tell their children stories about a life in reverse: the vampires hiding in fear of us instead of the other way around.

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