Chapter 5

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 Chapter 5:

Sakura’s POV

After Itachi’s appointment, I grabbed, literally grabbed Suigetsu to stop him from fighting Kisame. It’s a miracle they didn’t fight sooner. I didn’t have to get Jugo, he got the message we were leaving. I said my goodbye to Itachi and Kisame, reminding them about dinner and the consequences. I saw both their faces pale when I told them the consequences. Knowing too well that I was serious.

So we went shopping quickly getting the things I’m gonna need to feed nine bottomless pits, I don’t know how much Sasuke and his team will eat I’ll make two times extra.

<<Time skip>>

All done dinner is ready and I know the boys will be home in about






Now… and on cue I hear eight sets of feet make their way to the lounge where Sasuke, his team, Zetsu and Tobi are. I walk in hiding in the shadows waiting for something to happen. And like always I’m right. Sasuke being the idiot duckbutt he is saw Itachi and tried to kill him, the others were ready for a fight until Tobi warned the boys. “Start a fight and Cherry-chan will murder you and she ain’t afraid to do it either right, sempai?”

Everyone except Sasuke, his team and Konan’s face paled reminiscing on the very frightening sessions the boys got. “Tobi you are a very good boy, so for a reward you can get extra dessert tonight.” That made Tobi happy.

“Really, Tobi gets extra?” Saying more as a question than a statement.

“Yes Tobi and now dinner is ready so everyone to the dining room NOW!” I have never seen the Akatsuki move faster. “Well get moving or I’ll temporally paralyse you and drag you to the dining room whether you like it or not.” That got them moving. Wait Sasuke didn’t move. “Sasuke why are sulking?”

“Hn, I’m not.”

“Then why aren’t you at the table. Just a sec. TOUCH THAT FOOD THEN I GIVE A BEATING GOT IT!?”

“HAI/UN” nine scared, shaking grown men were waiting patiently and making sure the newbies didn’t eat yet.

“Now Sasuke, come on.”

“Like you can lift me.” I hear snickers from the table. I smirk at the accusation. I say nothing as I walk up to him. I grab onto him chucking him over my shoulder with great ease much to his surprise.

I enter the dining room with Sasuke on my petite shoulder once everyone saw Sasuke, the room erupted in laughter. A quick but intense glare I shut them up. I plop Sasuke down in his seat next to mine.  Now taking my seat I nod to everyone signalling that they can finally eat. “Itadukimasu/un.” The Akatsuki men dug in happily. Suigetsu was crying and mumbling something about how good the food was. Karins was glaring at me even though she is closer to Sasuke than I am. I prefer Itachi over that duck. “Sakura the food is good.”

“Thank you Jugo, I put a lot of effort into this dinner.” I smiled a real smile. My face then returns to its normal stoic expression and I return to eating my dinner. I notice that everything was silent which is never good. I look up from my food, the whole Akatsuki yes the whole Akatsuki even Itachi were shocked. ”What?”

“You smiled.” Kisame answers.

“And why is that so shocking?”

“Because you haven’t smiled like that since Tobi made us dress up like cheerleaders.”

“Wow, I guess it’s just nice being complimented by someone new.You know.”

After that everyone just went on like normal. Surprisingly Kisame asked if Suigetsu wanted any help training with his blade, Jugo had made friends with Pein, Karin was arguing with Hidan but that wasn’t really a surprised, though what did surprise everyone was when he kissed her. But hey Sasuke should be grateful. Sasuke was occasionally looking at me then Itachi. I had actually struck up a conversation, though some how the topic suddenly changed to his health. When Sasuke found out that Itachi was sick and going blind he was surprised that’s for sure.

After dinner Jugo, Konan and I took the dishes to the kitchen and everyone else went to the lounge room to watch TV. About five minutes later, the three of us entered the room hands filled with dessert. Jugo and Konan were carrying some large platters and I was carrying Tobi’s dessert. “Here Tobi, hope you like it. If not then blame Deidara they’re his recipes.”


“You’re welcome Tobi.”

Everyone started eating enjoying my handiwork, admiring y cooking and even Deidara got some praises, some from the most unlikeliest of people. CoughSasoriCough.


I look up at the clock it was 5 to 12. Right I’m meeting Itachi on the room soon. I look around the room most of the members have gone to their rooms. Sometime during the night both Hidan and Karin had left. Together. Which is weird but I’m guessing that Hidan had found love. “Jashin, I know you can hear me. Let Hidan and Karin be together or else.” I whisper/pray to the god. I believe in Jashin since I know he is real, How do I know, well I met him the idiot is so much like Hidan it’s not funny but hey I now understand why Hidan is Hidan.

I step pass everyone trying not to wake anyone up,

little did I know someone was awake.







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