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Hallelu ladies and gents I'm back and I am in desperate need of help. So I've decided to rewrite all my stories so everything should get updated by around mid December, so please be patient, I understand it has been probably over a year since my last update, but I am working hard to give you all the stories you deserve. Now on to business, I am currently at uni as well as I am also the prime carer for my loving grandparents, so my time is a bit consumed but I will make it work. 

Iam asking everyone of loving readers to help me with a bit of an epidemic I'm having, epidemic might be a bit strong a word for the situation but it was the first thing I could think of, so here's the gist. 

I have a fanficiton called Among Us on both Wattpad and AO3, now I am a big fan of the Voltron Legendary Defender series and such felt I could write a fic for it, yeah, I didn't think it through and now I have decided to revamp it with a better storyline and the ships we wish happened in the series.

So my question for all you reader, and I'm hoping some of you are Voltron fans, or at least know what I am talking about, I am unsure who to pair everyone favourite Altean, and we don't mean Coran, Princess Allura with. I was thinking Matt, but mainly cause he was the only other person on the ship list I googled, and this is the straight list cause I don't think I could write femslash very well, fluffy male slash is a maybe cause I've been reading a lot of slash fics,and the other person is Pidge cause everyone on the straight ship list was already taken. So I'm asking you all if you could tell me if you think i should have Allura paired with Matt and who i should pair Pdge with. Also if you think of someone else to pair with for any of these charaters please let me know in the comments. 

Please comment ont the corresponding name, please let me know your opinions and can't wait for your comments.



Till next time my loving readers

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2018 ⏰

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