Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

“Okay well, I think you and your team need to hear this. Since you are going to be in Sakura’s care I urge you to not, I repeat NOT anger Sakura. If you do you’ll end up regretting it. Trust me”

“Ha like she can do anything to Sasuke-kun” Oh how I would like to strangle her.

“Fine doesn’t believe me; Let me tell you a story. About six months after Sakura joined the ANBU and ROOT, she was sent on a mission. I was on this mission as well; we were on a recon mission to gather as much information about the Akatsuki. As it happens we ran into six and I repeat six members of the Akatsuki. Hidan, Kakuzu, a plant man by the name of Zetsu, a man child called Tobi, what I found weird about him was how he talked.”

“Why” Jugo asked.

“Why because he talked in third person who is extremely confusing...” “ahem if you aretelling them a story don’t ramble in the middle of it. Fox” I knew if I didn’t stop him he would ramble on for hours and forget what he was saying.

“Oh right Sorry, Sakura-sempai. As I was saying.. right the last two members were Kisame Hoshigaki and Itachi Uchiha.”  Sasuke growled at the name of his brother.”A fight broke out and Sakura was starting to lose her temper the only way we knew that was her aura was getting darker and scarier. I wasn’t till Hidan tried to kill me. That’s what broke the final straw. I have faced a lot of opponents and none brought fear to my face like he did. Well I shut my eyes for a second waiting for the attac but it never came. I open my eye to see…”

“Another ANBU taking the hit.” Sasuke intervened. Oh how wrong he was.

“NO I saw Sakura. Holding the blade in her bare hands, well hand. But that isn’t the point it was that one second Hidan was standing in front of her and the next he was literally six feet deep. The Akatsuki had really pushed passed the point of no return. In the end of the battle they escaped but not meeting a living demon. That’s actually how she got her name the Pink Demoness. So with that never make her made or you’ll end up half dead like they were. “

“How bad were they hurt?”

“Well from what I could see..”

“They six of them received a serious beating. Hidan had almost all his bones broken and if he were normal may never walk again but he’s immortal so his recovery will be a long time. Kakuzu had four of his five hearts destroyed but my version of the chidori. Zetsu had tried to run away quickly but not quick enough and ended up literally burnt. Tobi got a chakra flick to the forehead of his mask and was sent flying to the stars. Kisame has five ribs broken his samehada had no effect on me in no way whats so ever . His left leg had serious lasterations and he was in serious need for medical help but nothing he couldn’t handle. And Itachi, for the man who killed the Uchiha clan he was in serious need for a medic before I or my team battled him.” I took over on the story only to interrupted by said uchiha’s little duck butt of a brother.

“What do you mean by he needed a medic before you faced him.” Sasuke seemed a little worried but that didn’t matter. What matters is that might be the longest sentence I have heard from him since he got back.

“Itachi was suffering from a serious lung illness and the medical side of me almost made me help him. But that doesn’t matter At the end of the battle he was covered in cuts and bruises , he had one or two ribs broken . If he were in top condition he probably might have gotten worse. Now with that over lets head to my house so we deal with sleeping arrangements.”

“WOW, Sakura that must be the most I have heard from since I first met you. Oh sorry I’m holding you back see you when your back on missions k.” I forgot Fox was herebut hey he’s a brother.
“Sure see you around Fox tell the others I’ll miss them.”

“okeydokey My queen.” Fox is a real joker. But he finally left.

We left the Hokage building and headed to my house. Since I joined I had to get a bigger house for the fact sometimes I have other ANBU or  ROOT members stay the night.

We finally arrived at my house and the expressions of the duckbutts team was hilarious but I didn’t laugh though Inner did. She and I have been mind talking the whole trip to my place.

I open the door motioning for them to enter. Once we were all inside I lead them to the lounge.

“Would you something to eat or drink?”

No one spoke so I assumed they didn’t want any. “Some water please” Jugo spoke up bring a ghost smile to my face only to disappear as fast as it appeared.

“Make that two please sweetheart.” Suigetsu said with a wink “Okay and what about you two?” Looking toward the fuming red head and the silent duck. “Hn” said duck with his signature Uchiha smirk. “Fine just let me know if you want anything to eat or drink before I start making dinner.”  I said.

“like we would eat anything you cook, you’ll probably poison it.” Stated the fuming read head.

“Be glad it’s me and the resident puppet. Oh and there are other people living in the building to. So I am going to warn you now don’t fight. At dinner I’ll tell everyone the rules when living with. Now I’ll be back.” I said monotonely.

Sasuke’s POV:

I watch as Sakura left the room to get some drinks for Suigetsu and Jugo. “Well, well Sasuke why didn’t you tell us about her. She seems nice.” Suigetsu said sounding like a perv. “Che, she’s not nice, I bet she can’t even cook. I am more prettier than her and I’m a better medic than she will ever be. Isn’t that right Sasuke-kun.”

Why did I ever recruit her. I have to admit Sakura has changed. She seemed to have let her hair grow. It’s now reaches to her butt. I definatly admit looking at it and her outfit has dramatically changed along with her attitude.

Hopefully she isn’t a fangirl anymore. I mean when she was, she defiantly wasn’t as annoying as Karin. At least she didn’t take it to a major extreme. But I have noticed the way she spoke to everyone.

To Suigetsu, Jugo, Tsunade and that ANBU she was speaking nicely but to everyone else she wasn’t at all nice like she was for them. And she doesn’t call me Sasuke-kun like she used to, it’s a tiny bit sad. But she must hate me, I will find out why she is like the way she is now.

Sooner or later.





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