Chapter One

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And here it is: The first chapter. :) I'm so incredibly happy to be posting this and again I really hope everyone will enjoy this story as much as the first!

Now, about the name to Nathaniel and Amelia's future child. Yes you heard me, future child. During this story the child isn't born yet, in fact it takes place at the same time as the ending of Thicker than Blood. You will be seeing more of Amelia, Hayden, Nathaniel and other's from the cast of Thicker than Blood. ^.^

I've had sooooooooooo many people suggesting names and it's been absolutely awesome. I must admit also very daunting to reply to all the comments! Natalia is the name most people mentioned and so I'm very sorry to disappoint every one that THAT isn't going to be her name. I like the sound of it but I feel it's a bit too obvious and it won't fit with the babies personality.

Other's suggested I name her after Amelia's mother or grandmother or that it should be an ancient Gaelic/Irish name. I've had some wonderful suggestions in that regard but I'm not just yet going to tell you which name I decided on! ^.^

Now, enjoy the first chapter! Thank you all for your help and support.

I closed the door behind me slowly, wincing when it made more noise than I preferred… If only Ransom didn’t wake up from that! But when everything remained utterly quiet I breathed out a sigh of relief.

I’d done it!

Hurrying to my car I quickly got in and then sped off towards the college on the other side of town. I made it just in time to park into a spot at the far end and rush to the doors, slipping into a seat in my classroom just before the teacher closed the door behind him.

The old man looked over us and frowned, focusing on me for a short second as he noted my slightly out of order, rumpled clothes. I was sure he was thinking: did she roll out of bed with her boyfriend just now again?

It was true, but not the way everyone always seemed to think.

I did my best to straighten my clothes a little further but there was nothing to do about the wrinkles in my shirt and the rumpled state of my loose flowing pants. It was a little less noticeable if I wore a skirt or jeans but I couldn’t stand the feel of denim on my skin and I shivered at the thought alone of wearing a skirt.

Not happening.

Ransom wouldn't even allow me time to eat if I wore a skirt… Come to think of it, he probably wouldn’t let me out of the house either if I did. So that was out of the question anyway.

It was always a struggle to sneak out of bed and get to college without waking up Ransom; so much time to actually fix my appearance… Nope, I’d fix myself up later in the bathroom, as soon as I had the chance.

Ignoring my rumbling stomach I focused on the lecture of this morning, old civilizations. It had always fascinated me and as the man talked I focused on the images he painted with his words.

Allowing his voice to take me away to different times where Ransom didn’t exist and where I wasn’t the thorn in so many sides. Where I didn’t have to hide my true self.

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