If Only

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The next day Ben had finds Ellie and asks her on a date. Ellie is currently looking for her sister as she tries not to freak out.

"There you are!" Ellie calls as she sees Evie sitting beside Doug. "I have been looking for you literally everywhere!"

"What's wrong?" Evie asks her.

"Ben just asked me out on..." Ellie answers before letting out a huff. "... a date."

"Nice," Doug says as Evie smiles.

"We can handle this. Bye," Evie says as they start walking back to the dorms. "You're looking a little pale."

"Yeah, of course," Ellie says.

"I can fix that with some gloss and some blush," Evie explains as Ellie nods. Once back at the dorms, Mal goes through the clothes that Evie has made and picks something out for Ellie. Evie approves, so Ellie changes before Evie starts on her makeup.

"Okay. Easy on the blush. I don't want to scare him away. Not that I could," Ellie says after what felt like the 100th brush stroke.

"Please. You know mom taught us how to apply blush before we could talk," Evie explains with a smile.

"Always use upward strokes," Evie and Ellie say together with a smile.

"My mom was never really big on makeup tips," Mal explains as Evie starts on the lip gloss.

"Well, now you have us," Evie says as she looks at Mal. "We're going to need all the family we can get if we don't pull this off. Our mother's not a barrel of laughs when she doesn't get her way. Just ask Snow White."

"Are you afraid of her?" Mal asks.

"Sometimes," Ellie admits. "Are you afraid of your mom?"

"I just really want her to be proud of me. She gets so angry with me when I disappoint her. And sh... yeah, she's my mom, so I know she loves me...In her own way," Mal explains.

"Moving on. Come see," Evie says as she brings Ellie over to the mirror.

"Oh," Ellie says with a laugh as she sees herself.

"I know," Evie says as she and Mal stand on either side of Ellie.

"I look..." Ellie starts.

"Say it," Mal says with a smile.

"Not hideous," Ellie finishes.

"Not even close," Evie says before Ellie hugs her. Ellie then looks back in the mirror and realizes that it is Auradon that is making her this happy. There is a knock at the door before Ellie and Evie hold back squeals. Ellie opens the door to find Ben on the other side holding two helmets.

"For the first time, I understand the difference between pretty and beautiful," Ben says causing Ellie to smile and giggle. "I hope you like bikes." Ellie takes one of the helmets from Ben before sending Mal and Evie a scared look. Ellie holds onto Ben tightly as he takes them wherever they are going. They leave the bike behind before walking through the forest and onto a long rope bridge.

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