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oh my goodness hello for the first time in 3 months asdfghjkl

okay so I would like to present the following evidence to the jury: a comprehensive list of things that have happened since December 22nd 2019 (aka the last time I updated) that have prevented me from getting stuff done!!!

1. my grandma passed away the day after Christmas, which is obviously painful enough as it is, and it was particularly difficult because my mom and I lived with her, so that was kind of rough

2. debate!!! I have had a very busy year of work and tournaments, meaning a LOT of work and very little free time, on top of everything else pertaining to school

3. coronavirus!! FSDFFVGHBHJNJ it has totally messed up school and my sOCIAL LIFE but what can you do? so basically like most, im caught up in online classes and videochats with my classes and uGh I hate this.

4. LAST BUT NOT LEAST: heartbreak!! wowowow yessir. I literally fell in love with this guy, even though he was a toxic assgoblin who cheated, lied, and emotionally manipulated and abused me!! and that's the story of my life from January 28th to March 21st of 2020. woohoo! so yes im very much still detached from life as a whole, and very sore, and im literally falling apart!! so please forgive me

I will really try to update again soon, but please just understand that I am not in a particularly great headspace right now. im sorry!! if anyone has any desire to reach out to me for anything at all, my instagrams are as follows. im here to talk to anyone! about anything! ur feelies, larry, stress, memes, anything! ive been told im a good listener!

main: @magg.iemae (public)

spam: @wee_wee_snatcher_ (private but im more active on that one)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2020 ⏰

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