Chapter Four: Why do you play basketball?

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Misaki had no idea what she’d done to deserve this, she really didn’t.

Everything today was going screwy for the girl. Practice was in full swing and yet again she was running around to go and give everyone their own towels and water bottles. Someone hadn’t cleaned up properly the day before and so she was having trouble finding anything. She didn’t want to bother Momoi or Harasawa by asking if they’d seen the stuff so she was now running around to find everything. 

Unfortunately she wasn’t watching where she was going and managed to smack into someone. They both hit the ground and Misaki groans at the pain lancing up her spine. Her phone hits the floor and goes skittering across the court. 

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Please forgive me!” A familiar brown haired teen all but yells. Misaki holds up her hands to tell him to stop apologizing. 

Her brother and Susa hurry over to the two of them. Imayoshi picks Misaki up and puts her back on her feet while Susa helps the apologizing brunette up. “Ma, ma if you keep apologizing she might get mad.” Imayoshi grins. 

Sakurai begins to start crying and apologizes yet again. Misaki sighs as she takes her phone from Susa’s outstretched hand and walks away. She’s not going to deal with all of this craziness today. She heads into the supply closet to get the appropriate towels and things, though there wasn’t enough for everyone. 

“Nii-chan, I’m going home early, I don’t feel well.” She says when she settles everything down on the bleachers. 

He looks over her worried, “Are you okay? Do you want me to walk you back?” 

“No, I’ll be fine. It’s just a twenty minute walk from here, seriously I’ll be fine.”

“I don’t like you walking home alone.”

Misaki shakes her head adamantly, “Don’t treat me like I’m five nii-chan, I’ll be okay. I promise I’ll let you know when I get back home.”

He still didn’t look like he was willing to let her go however after a moment he nods, “Alright, call me as soon as you reach the door. I don’t want to worry about you up until I get home.” He ruffles her hair like he knows she hates and watches her head off. 

Misaki closes the gym doors behind her and starts off toward home. She needed some time to herself before their next big game came up tomorrow. She knew that she would have to be at the top of her game come tomorrow because the team would be looking to her to make sure that they had everything they needed when they weren’t playing. So for now she wanted to get ahead on her homework and just rest up.

She remembers the first time she watched from the sidelines as Touou played a game. Despite Aomine not showing up until the second half of the game they still managed to hold their own. Hell they did more than hold their own, they dominated the court. The way they all worked together showed that they not only were comfortable with their own abilities but because of that they were able to work together fairly well. 

Once again Aomine makes an effortless shot. The basketball falls straight into the basket and he turns ready to make the next play. On the bench Misaki’s mouth falls open, how the hell did he do that? Watching Aomine was one of the most amazing sights ever. The way he could make those formless shots without an effort at all was truly mind blowing. 

From beside her Momoi laughs, “I take it this is actually the first time you’ve ever watched him play?” 

“To be fair, yes. That’s amazing. How does he do that?” 

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