Remus Lupin x Reader

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"Oi! (Y/n) help me with my essay for potions. Slughorn doesn't exactly favor me like he does you." James said struggling to write a 1 page essay on love potions.
"If I cared enough to help he would." I replied smirking. James is my twin brother. We are in our 6th year of school and I've been part of the Marauders for years but I was the one that never got caught and never put down some silly nickname for myself because I refused to become a Animagus. "Honestly, if you just listened and read the instructions you would be passing the class."
"(Y/n) we both know that'll never happen." Remus said walking into the room. I had been lain out on the couch by the fire reading when James had interrupted me. Remus walked over and moved my feet out of the way to take a seat on the couch. I put my feet in his lap and went back to reading.
"(Y/n) can you put down your book for one second and help your brother. He looks like he's about to cry." Sirius said watching a near to tears James stare at the blank paper in front of him.
"Ugh fine." I said removing my feet and walking over to help James. "Alright Love Potions are increasingly dangerous things. They may make the consumer fall in love with anything within sight and depending on the potions the effect can either last a lifetime or last a day. So if the consumer were to see some evil person or even a person who is likely to take advantage of the situation the results could be highly consequential to that persons health mentally or physically. That enough to base your paper off of for you?" I asked my brother.
"Yeah. Put to be good enough to get me started." James said wiping away a tear.
"Your such a baby." I said running my hand through his hair which made it look even more messy.
"Well I am your other half." I replied laughing. I punched him in the shoulder.
"Yeah and don't you forget it." I said grinning as I walked towards the portrait hole.
"(Y/n) where are you going?" I heard Remus ask.
"Library. Wanna come with me?" I asked. I've had a huge crush on Remus since 1st year and always went to the library to see him rather than read. This time I genuinely wanted to read.
"Sure." He replied getting up and following me. We stepped out of the portrait hole and walked in silence.
"So what kind of book are you looking for?" Remus asked as we walked. "I would've thought there wasn't anything left for you to read in that library."
"Well not quite. I've been wanting to read romance stories lately. Life has been kinda dull in that category." I replied punching myself inwardly for saying such a thing.
"Me too I guess. Been a while since I've liked another girl." He said glancing over at me.
"Another girl? Implying you like one already?! Tell me who!" I asked completely surprised.
"Well I've liked her since about 3rd year but I don't believe she likes me back. She's close to my friends and has a lot in common with me." He replied. I immediately thought of Alice.
"It's Alice isn't it?" I asked looking down at my feet.
"No actually..... She's kinda related to one of my friends."
"Bloody Hell! You're not in love with Bellatrix are you?" I said stopping and looking directly at Remus. Remus laughed and looked directly into my eyes.
"Well, no. She's more like a Sister to my friend that's actually close to him." I widened my eyes in shock.
"There's no way.... I'm dreaming aren't I? Or Sirius paid you to prank me. This is a sick joke." I pinched my arm trying to wake up.
"It's no prank or dream (Y/n). I love you and have since 3rd year." Remus replied looking into my eyes trying to see if the feeling was returned or not.
"I love-" Remus pressed his lips into mine and kissed me.
"Good. Because I don't know what I'd do if you didn't." He replied after we had finally broken away from the kiss.

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