Chapter 10

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"To die, to sleep - To sleep, perchance to dream - ay, there's the rub, for in this sleep of death what dreams may come..." ― William Shakespeare


'Okay. Ready?' Christina asked, taking a deep breath.

'No.' Lauren replied. 'But it's now or the world ends, right.' She smiled.

'I love you.' Christina said.

'Love you too.' Lauren nodded and they both closed their eyes. They both started powering up, hands glowing yellow and blue. Suddenly, they were both surrounded by a warm glow. 'Is that us?' Lauren asked, looking around them.

'No I don't think so.' She said. A vision of their attic flashed in front of them. One second they were there, then back in the desert.

'What was that?' Lauren looked around, worried.

'They're calling us home.' Christina realised. 'They must have found a way.'

'Oh God, we're going to have to explain this to them.' Lauren said, sharing a worried look with Christina as the pull was finally enough to send them over the edge. Their feet landed firmly on the floor of the attic and they were met with the eyes of worried sisters. Amy saw their lit up hands and was the first to ask.

'Hey guys, what were you planning on doing?' She asked. They let their powers drop.

'We had a plan.' Lauren said

'Care to share it with us?' Lisa asked.

'Not really.' Lauren admitted. But then Christina took over and explained to them exactly what they were planning. During this, Amy kept herself busy by healing their injuries. Christina finished telling them what had happened.

'So, we didn't know how long we would be there and thought it would be the only way.' She said. Katherine lifted her head from her hands. 'Say something?' Christina prompted.

'It was a good plan.' Katherine said. Dani and Lisa looked at her, a little shocked at the reaction.

'Oh yeah, I love a suicide pact.' Lisa said mockingly.

'Under the circumstances, they made the right call.' Katherine said. 'I'm just glad we got to you before you had to go through with it.'

'Us too.' Lauren smiled. 'I am exhausted though.'

'Come on.' Dani said. 'I'll make coffee and you can nap.' She said. They left their older siblings in the room.

'Was it as bad as Perdition?' Lisa asked, sitting next to Christina on the sofa.

'No. I think Perdition was worse actually. It was just really hot.' Christina said. She lent back and closed her eyes. 'I do know that I never want to leave this dimension again.'

'I hear ya sis.' Lisa said.

'Do we think this is all over now?' Amy asked. Katherine once again looked at her watch.

'Four hours until the eclipse passes.' She told them.

'I really hope it's over.' Lisa said.

'I'm not counting Lucifer out just yet.' Christina said. 'There is still time to complete the prophecy if he gets out of his dimension again.'

'If you're that worried, I think I have an idea.' Amy said. She got up and went over to their book. She flipped through the pages and stopped when she found the spell she was looking for. She took the book and put it on Christina and Lisa's lap.

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