15. The Fine Art of Pickpocket

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Suddenly the door of the office flew open. Elizabeth nearly dropped the cup of tea she had just bought. Her internal wheel of emotions kept hesitating between, shock, glee and the ever-classic "well that took you two long enough". In the end, it settled on a form of contempt and a smirk.

"Well then... I didn't expect this to work this much. But I do like that it went there : it proves that I was right. I always am, but it's reassuring to know I haven't completely lost my flair. Well, just to let you two darling lovebirds know that we got the permission a bit earlier than usual. I'll leave you two to figure out all..." She waved her hand around in their general direction. "This, on your own. Take your time while I get the cool hobo out. I'll just... Wait for you guys next to the car. Seriously, take allll the time in the world, I can wait."

She playfully finger gunned them with her free hand - a bad habit she had developed by spending too much time with Benjamin - and left the room to go get their new "friend". Playfully she opened the door to the cell.

"Out you go miss ! My two colleagues may be a bit late so if you want I can get you a coffee while we wait as a thanks for your cooperation."


Still in Elisabeth's office, dumbfounded behind the glass door, Alexander and Asterin' eyes remained fixed on the door. There was a moment of silence before Alexander stepped back and cleared his throat. Asterin tried her hardest to avoid his gaze as she circled her arms around herself. When she finally looked up to him, her mind went entirely blank. Alexander's black hair were a mess, his cheeks were slightly flushed and there seemed to be a spark in his steely eyes that was not there before. What was she even supposed to say ? Get ahold of yourself Black, she scolded herself. She was about to say something when Alexander saved her the embarrassment of being a stuttering mess.

"I'm sorry. "

"What for ?" Asterin said, a confused frown appearing on her face.

"For yesterday. I shouldn't have said what I said about the promotion. You deserve it more than anyone I know." he said, smiling gently at her.

"That is not true. You do too." Asterin replied very seriously. The next second she was grinning. "But do not think that us kissing changes anything, I am still getting it."

Alexander chuckled. "I wouldn't want it any other way." he said extending his hand towards her to help her straighten up.

For a second he seemed scared that she would slap it away but Asterin's smile widen as she took it.

"And about the kiss..." he drawled hesitatingly.

"It was fine and I liked it. Now we have a murder to solve." Asterin said, already feeling her face heat up as she hurried to make her way out of the room.

Alexander followed her out with a foolish smile plastered on his face.


"I didn't expect you to be this quick, boss."

The ginger policewoman rose an eyebrow. "Boss ?"

"Well, you're the most graded here, right? I mean, between Alex, the girl in denial of her feelings and you?"

"Why, I guess you could formulate it like that," she laughed. "Just call me Elisabeth. Anyway, back to business. Your wrists."

Aramith grunted. "Really, Lis ? It's not like I was planning to do anything behind your back such as flying away..." She rolled her eyes. "And handcuffs hurt~ Y'all police officers always put those on people but have you tried them on ? You have to feel the pain of the prisoners to be in phase with them. What, I'm serious !"

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