Chapter 25: Kudan's Gangs

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Outer Ring, Kudan.

1732 Hours, July 30th 3039.

"To Victory!"

A loud clamor arose within Cyclone's exclusive bar as several children and teenagers raised their glasses or mugs to the air. The guest of honor, after a moment of deliberation, also raised her mug, which then caused the crescendo to rise to an even higher degree.

Viper raised the mug to her lips, and then downed the harsh alcohol in one quick gulp. Bam! She banged the mug onto a table, and then pumped her fist to the sky, drawing even more cheers from the crowd.

"Good Race, Viper."

Viper raised her head to see Nakamura Akikio smiling as he walked over. The lanky Japanese man's smile resembled a snake stalking its prey. Viper raised her guard, but her unease did not travel to her face. Instead, she nodded. "You did good, too. I did not anticipate you joining forces with Li."

Nakamura chuckled. "You shouldn't fight fate, Viper. The people with real power want the Cyclone. Just how much longer do you think you can hold out by yourself?"

Viper frowned. "Until the end."

Nakamura shook his head. It was not like he could not understand Viper's position. The Cyclone was one of the last few gang-free areas in the Outer Ring. He sympathized with Viper's fight to keep it that way. Unfortunately, this was a world where the strong ruled over the weak. The gangs, right now, were willing to play by the Cyclone rules. How long before they grew frustrated and just took over by force? That would result in countless, needless deaths. At least, this way, folks like Nakamura could get some benefits before the inevitable takeover.

"This was only the first race." Nakamura pointed out. He glanced at the celebrating kids. "We still have four more to go. Do you think your luck will hold throughout?"

Viper's eyes flinched, but ultimately, she stood her ground. "I don't need luck, Nakamura. It's all skill." With those words, she nodded, and then walked away.

A certain fire burned in Nakamura's eyes as he watched the teenager's confident back. However, he shook his head a moment later and then walked toward his teammates.

Viper, meanwhile, wore a frustrated frown as she made her way outside the bar. "Fuck me." The young girl cursed as she stared at the artificial clouds overhead. She knew better than most that she stood no chance now that Nakamura and Li had teamed up. Previously, she could depend on their rivalry to sneak her way into the top 5. But, if they teamed up...

Viper needed a team. There was no way around it. Only a team could defeat another team. At the very least, numbers served as a deterrent against petty tricks. Unfortunately, the best riders already had a team. Where the hell was she going to find some?

Viper reached into her pocket and then drew out a pack of cigarettes. It was funny. Many great inventions were either lost to time or rendered obsolete. However, cigarettes and booze remained a constant through the ages, soothing mankind's self-destructive vice.

Ksh. Ksh.

"Damn it." Viper cursed as she lit up the cigarette. She was just about to take a drag, when a foreign hand suddenly yanked it out of her mouth. "Hey Fucker! Don't Fu—" Viper's tirade froze when she realized who stood next to her. "...Dayle?"

Dayle, seemingly ignoring her, took a drag. A moment later, his face scrunched up like he had eaten bad pizza. "What kinda nasty shit—" Ptouey! Dayle spat on the ground and then crushed the cigar beneath his boot. He then looked at Viper with a stern gaze. "No more underage smoking or drinking if we're going to work together."

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