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A/N: Yup, it's decided. The jury has reached a verdict. World-Building/Creation is an arse of a job. How game developers do it year in, year out baffles me to no small extent.. Anyway below is a mini-lexicon I want you guys to familiarize yourselves with before the season premiere (date at bottom.) Contains relevant information I don't want to force-feed mid-story as it sometimes breaks immersion.

Anyway, for this game, I chose to adopt a slightly modified map of Africa which thanks to the Internet I found out already existed (I knew about it but never noticed.) Found out when browsing images of Africa, that FFXIV basically uses the exact same thing for Eorzea.

So, because I can't draw to save my life, I'll just be adding a map of Eorzea for you to familiarize yourself with the rough outline of the continent. Karifa's scale is more on the lines of the real Africa though...





201 B.C (Before Collapse)

An Artificial Intelligence program called Nexus was programmed to find solutions for the planet Earth after overpopulation and pollution had reached record heights. Machine used technicality in code to deem humans responsible for the planet's decline. Took control over probes in outer space to redirect a meteorite to 'cleanse' the earth.

Luckily, satellites picked up the approaching mass, and riddled it with explosives. Unfortunately, meteor was larger than even the Nexus originally computed. The Meteorite sunk several continents, releasing radioactive explosions on Nuclear carrying continents. Radioactive clouds blanketed the world, with frequent electrical discharges and electric storms occurring within them. As such, flight between continents stalled, and man fled to the sea..

Karifa luckily had its back to the impact. So while it stilled suffered the after-effects, it escaped the brunt of the attack. Survivors flocked to the continent to save themselves, but fights for resources soon broke out, dividing the land in four leading factions.

Survivors of the meteor flocked to the continent to save themselves, but fights for resources soon broke out, dividing the land in four leading factions

The continent had just settled into an uneasy alliance when Nexus attacked. Compelled by its programming, Nexus had somehow manipulated an entire remnant of the old world to drift close to Karifa. From which it steadily launched attacks with weaponry far superior to any the continent has.

Luckily, a Virdani scientist located a hidden mineral deep in the earth. Suprising tests revealed the ore to be a new classification called 'living metal'. Superconductive, and highly volatile with unprecedented levels of energy, the metal began to be incorporated into weapons to stave of the Nexus invasion.

They failed to account for the material being alive though. Each battlefield was littered with the mineral. These modified minerals reacted with the natural deposits left behind after the meteorite crashed. Plants and animals that came in contact with these minerals mutated beyond recognition, with a 'core' replacing their hearts.

Different monsters developed different core types. The stronger the monster, the tougher the core. And so, the hunt for cores began.

Continent: Karifa (Contains four Countries)


Virdani (Thanalan)

Source of Income: Abundance of Natural Minerals in earth. Rely heavily on export for food though. Country is radioactive, hence cities are located in moving bubbles as they search for new places to mine Dranium ore.

Parallel: United FrontWhere stories live. Discover now