Chapter 7: We're Not Alone

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It all happened too fast. Violent explosions rocked the colony of wasps, sending the RADs into frenzied rage. Raines pressed herself against the rooftop as several wasps buzzed over. Shrill cries froze her blood as the beasts searched for their attackers. "How about a little warning next time?" Raines chided in a whisper.

On the ground, Dayle and Arthur had taken cover inside a van, crouched low to avoid being seen by the raging insects. "We didn't do it!" Dayle seethed. The explosion had forced them out of position. "Thought you did."

"I didn't," said Raines. She clucked her tongue when she realized what that meant. "We're not alone." She glanced above as another swarm began heading in her direction. "Guys I'm exposed here. Need a blanket."

Dayle cussed as he glanced at his revolvers. Useless at long range. He turned to Arthur. "Got any ideas?"

"Cover me," said Arthur as he pushed the car door open. He raised his rifle once his feet touched the ground and fired into the sky, just above the building Raines was on.

The first volley hit their marks as three wasps dropped onto the roof. The rest immediately scattered, their cries a warning to their brethren. Though the insects could not perform complex calculations to determine the shooter's source, the rifle's sound attracted their ire.

Arthur lowered his rifle in awe as the wasps clustered just above their location. He heard a shout even as the cluster suddenly dive-bombed towards his.

"Move!" Dayle screamed as he yanked his partner's arm. That seemed to snap Arthur out of it, as the young agent immediately spun around and made a beeline for the nearest building. Both men released a few rounds into the cluster but didn't bother to check if they hit or not. Years of honed instinct warned Dayle of great danger. "Stop!" He yelled and yanked Arthur back.

Just in time as it turned out.

A green gooey substance splashed onto a rebar in front of them. It melted clean through till it hit the earth.

Dayle stared at the phenomenon in shock. "Acid Art, they freaking spit acid!"

This time it was Arthur who dragged Dayle out of the way as another spit landed right where he'd been. "That is magnificent and all, but I suggest we bail," suggested Art as he pulled his partner towards the building.

"No! No!" Dayle refuted. He struggled against Art's grip, pulling him back towards the street instead.

"What the fuck Dayle? Come on!"

"No!" Dayle yelled. He won the fight, and managed to drag his partner back into the street. A short glance behind him caused his blood to freeze. "R-run!" He shoved Arthur's ahead of him. "Run dipshit! I'll explain later!"

Arthur knew better than to question Dayle when he got like this. He cussed as he took to the streets hard. His suit improved his speed quite a bit, and he had to force himself to slow down so he didn't leave Dayle behind.

Both men ran in zigzags to dodge what felt like bombings from fighter jets. Only the fighter jets were giant insects, and the bombs were acidic goo. Dayle and Art watched in horror as earth, iron and stone melted instantly, the acid giving off green smoke as it melted all it touched.

Arthur jumped over a derelict vehicle in one leap, then whirled around at the other end. He balanced his rifle on the roof and carelessly released several rounds just above Dayle.

Dayle ducked low, and shut his ears to the screeches behind him as bug after bug dropped to the earth. He was forced to turn around when one particular buzz got particularly close. He nearly had a heart attack.

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