Chapter 7

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Flame and the others just in time to see Juvia getting attacked by 5 shadow figures. Suddenly, Sting and Rouge appeared behind them as well.

"Take her quick! " shouted Rouge as he attempted to eat the shadow figures but failing.

Flame ran near Juvia, Wen following him. She had bruises everywhere around her body and two gashes on her shoulder and another one at her stomach.

Flame was enraged at this.

"Wen, heal her. " said Flame while slowly making his way to the shadow figures.

~With FT~

"We should go see whats happening. I just saw NW and the twin dragonslayers head towards the infirmary. " said Gray as he headed towards the scene with the others.

When they reached their they saw Wen healing Juvia, Sting and Gajeel protecting them from attacks heading towards them, Justine, Lax, and Bix fighting two shadow figures, Nature and Rouge fighting one too but the shadow was using magic, a cloaked figure and Lev were setting up runes as to lessen the shadows' strength, Rouge protecting them, and lastly Flame who was slowly making his way to the remaining shadows.

They saw Flame light his hand with black fire, attracting all of the shadows.

"Don't tell me he intends to fight them alone?!?! He's insane." thought Makarov as he ordered FT to help them but Lev's enhancements prevented them from entering.

"Let us in Levy! We can help you guys! " shouted Lisanna while banging the invisible barrier.

Levy/Lev didn't listen to them and just continued attacking but she was also holding her stomach as if it was in pain. Suddenly another shadow appeared and managed to knock out Levy.

"Lev!! " shouted Gajeel as he ran beside her.

This added to Flame's anger and his whole body erupted into fire.

"Fire God's Purifying Flame! "
As soon as those words left Flame's mouth his fire turned from black to white. The shadows screamed and suddenly disappeared in thin air.

Flame panted as he ran back towards Juvia followed by the others. The cloaked figure removed her hood to reveal a redhead. She looked at FT with disgust and tore down the enhancements.

FT watched as they all gathered around Juvia who was still being healed.

"I healed her bruises and everything else except one gash in her shoulder. Something's blocking my magic from healing her. " said Wen worriedly as she stopped trying to heal Juvia. Her hands were shaking and her magic was drained.

Suddenly Romeo burst through FT and ran towards them.

"Romeo! What are you doing here?!?" asked Wen who tried to stand up and meet her boyfriend but falling again to the ground.

Romeo rushed beside her and kissed her on the forehead while also checking for injuries.

"I've heard. Now hows Juvia? " asked Romeo as he stared at Juvia who was craddled into Flame's arms.

Wen explained the situation to Romeo and watched as he left his original place and neared Juvia.

"I can something. Flame-nii you can put her down. " said Romeo as he lit his hands with fire.

Flame laid Juvia on the ground and carefully watched Romeo as he put his fire lit hand near Juvia's injuries. Suddenly, black smoke came out of the injury and disappeared in the air.

Wen again tried to heal Juvia and was happy when she saw the injury closing.

"Black magic.... " said Makarov as he watched the group.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2020 ⏰

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