Part 11

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Richie wakes up early then smiles remembering last night. It's surreal to be here with Eddie knowing they are more thank just best friends now. Eddie wakes up and squirms a little scooting back and looking a Richie.
"Good morning angel "
Richie says looking back at Eddie. Eddie places his hand on Richies cheek and rubs his cheekbone.
"Morning pretty boy"
Eddie says and Richie smiles nuzzling into Eddies hand. Eddie sits up and rubs his eyes.
"Better go get dressed we have a long day of songwriting today."
Eddie says sliding off his bed going to his dresser. He takes off his shirt and puts on another shirt.
"Stop staring Richie"
Eddie says blushing. Richie smirks.
"But your just so pretty baby"
Eddie rolls his eyes and throws a balled pair of socks at him and begins pulling on pants.
"Go get dressed Trashmouth"
Richie laughs and goes to his room and gets dressed.
"Hey Rich?"
He turns to see Eddie standing in the doorway to the bathroom.
He says brushing his hair in a mirror on the wall. Eddie comes from behind and wraps his arms around Richies torso.
"What are we Richie?"
He sets his brush down turning around and holding Eddies waist.
"Well what do you want us to be angel?"
Richie says with a smirk
Eddie just smiles and shakes his head looking down. Richie raises Eddies chin with one hand to make eye contact.
"Eddie Kaspbrak will you be my boyfriend?"
Eddie smiles
"Richie Tozier I would love to"
Richie smiles and kisses Eddie. Eddie kisses back firm before pulling away.
"Let's go meet the others in the living room. Maybe we should tell them."
Eddie says starting to walk and Richie clasps their hands together.
"Yeah  I'm pretty sure Bev had a bet with Stan that we'd be together by the end of the month"
They both laugh at Bev's ability to read them so easily.
"There you two are!"
Bev says as they walk in to the small ish writing room filled with pillows blankets and beanbags as-well as their respective instruments . 'No couches or beds' Stan said because he said they would fall asleep. He assumed they wouldn't fall asleep in the giant beanbags... he assumed wrong.
"Oh good everyone is here"
Richie says.
"Not for long me Mike And Stan have to head to a corporate meeting"
Eddies looks a Richie innocently silently asking him to do it.
"Well me and Ed's have an announcement"
Richie reaches down and re connects their hands.
"Me and Eduardo here are dating!"
Bev yells. Stan sighs.
"Damn y'all couldn't have waited till the end of the month?"
They all laugh as Stan forks up the twenty.
"This is a big deal though. What do you want to do about the media?"
Eddies anxiety suddenly skyrockets. His body starts to shake as he thinks about telling all their fans what if their fans hate them or some psycho hurts them. Bill and Stan we're fine but Richies a fan favorite. Richie squeezes Eddies hand and looks down at him concerned.
"I-I don't think it's a good idea to tell them Rich"
Richie nods at his worried boyfriend.
"It's ok we don't have to it'll happen when it happens baby"
Richie says in a comforting voice successfully calming Eddie.
"That's gonna be hard no kissing, holding hands, nothing in public got it?"
They both nod
"Alright well we need to head out"
Mike says. Bev and Bill kiss their boyfriends goodbye and the three leave.
"Hey do I get a kiss Ed's?"
Richie says collapsing in a bean bag pulling out his notebook for songwriting.
"Your not leaving asshat"
Eddie says collapsing into Richies lap.
The four of them laugh and get started on writing.

The band had gotten the outlines of a bunch of songs as-well as recording a few finished products, starring their favorites possibly for their next album.
"A-alright I'm t-tapping out my voice I-is gonna die."
Bill says walking out the door.
"Hey Ed's?"
Richie says picking up Eddie. Eddie wraps his legs around his torso and looks at him. Richie starts walking out of the room.
"Do you think if I put that song I wrote for you out as a single people would know?"
Eddie pushes a stray curl behind Richies ear. It's getting longer, Eddie thinks.
"I don't know... but you don't say a name so probably not. I just don't know what I'd do if people couldn't hear that song, it's beautiful."
Richie stops in the hall and smiles up at his boyfriend.
"Do you just like it cuz it's about you angel?"
Eddie rolls his eyes and puts his arms around Richies neck hugging him.
"No stupid it does help a little though."
Richie laughs starting to go up the stairs.
"Woah woah! Put me down first!"
Eddie says flailing.
"I can carry you Eddie! Your tiny!"
Eddie squeezes his legs and arms around Richie holding on for dear life. Richie laughs and ascends the stairs, then sets him down outside of Eddies door.
"Can I shower first tonight Ed's?"
Richie asks kissing Eddies cheek.
Eddie says lovingly.
They both walk into their rooms Richie takes a shower then gets in his boxers then lays in bed.
"Eddie your turn!"
Eddie shouts. Richie watched him go into the bathroom then close the door with a smirk knowing Richie wanted it open. Richie rolls his eyes and lays down to scroll through his phone. After a little while the bathroom door opens Eddie is standing in his oversized T-shirt that is basically a dress.
"Richie can I-"
"Come here angel"
Richie cuts him off lifting the covers. Eddie happily rushes under the covers. Eddie faces out to the room and Richie becomes a big spoon.
"You don't even have to ask Ed's you know it's a yes"
Eddie backs more into Richie getting comfortable.
"Thank you Rich for everything"
Richie snuggles his face into Eddies hair taking in the sent off strawberry shampoo.
"I love you Eddie"
"I love you too rich.. but only a little"
Richie laughs and says
"Only a little"
While smiling thinking he's the luckiest man in the world.
"Get some sleep bub"
Eddie says voice wavering.
"You too baby"
Both of them fall into sleep

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