Part 5

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Throughout their next two shows In kansas and Nebraska there was unbelievable tension between Eddie and Richie.Richie kept being an asshole to Eddie. Making fun of everything he did and getting mad if he was texting someone anytime the group was talking automatically assuming it was Noah.
Eddie straight up ignored Richies teasing. Once they had arrived in Las Vegas for the life is beautiful festival Eddies mood completely changed. He put in light blue short jean shorts that reminded Richie of the shorts Eddie used to wear as well as a blue and white stripped T-shirt.He was ecstatic they were staying through the whole festival witch was three days. Three days he could spend with Noah his new friend. Once the bus was parked int the celebrity lot he jumped out.
"Come on, come on, come on!!"
He yelled urging everyone off the bus faster. Stan gave them their lanyard passes and told them which areas to avoid and only go in the vip sections. They all nodded slipping on their passes and Eddie ran dragging bill and Stanley
"Come meet my friend!!"
Bill said exited to finally actually meet this Noah kid Eddie had been ranting about to him. Eddie started talking to stan and bill more once he caught on to the callous behavior Richie was giving him. Eddie texted Noah to go to the GIANT tent selling band merch for all the artist that were going to be there. Once Eddie Stan and Bill walked in Eddie spotted Noah immediately running to him. Eddie jumped up on Noah like a koala and hugged him.
Eddie screams. Noah teeters for a second before getting a hold on Eddie and hugging back.
"Well hello to you too"
He said laughing then put Eddie down.
"Oh! Noah this is Stan"
He says and Stan shakes his hand.
"And this is bill who I think you met"
He shakes bills hand too.
"G-good t-to finally formally m-meet you, Eddies t-talked non stop about t-this new f-friend of his."
Bill laughs and Eddie hits him lightly. They all explored the festival together Bill and Stans hand clasped to get her and Eddie constantly dragging Noah's arm to look at something cool he saw.
Back on the other side of the festival is Richie, Ben, Beverly, and Mike. Ben was kind of upset because he was supposed to be taking pictures of the whole band together at the festival but half of them had run off. He wasn't too upset though because he got to take pictures of Beverly In her cute outfit in the grass.
"Alright Rich what's up"
Mike says seriously. Richie can't not answer Mike he's too much of an angel, But he doesn't want to talk about it.
"What? Nothings up"
"Somethings up Rich why have you been so mean to Eddie, I thought you... liked him you know?"
Mike says being quieter on the last part. Richie sighs knowing he can't hide anymore from Mike.
"I do, I do it's just giving his number to this Noah guy, non stop texting him, ignoring me now."
Mike shakes his head.
"I know your just trying to get his attention but I don't think being mean is going to get you where you wanna go Rich."
Richie shakes his head and puts his face in his hands.
"I know mike. I just don't know what else to do"
"Well maybe start with trying to make amends with his new friend you might not like it but you don't want to lose Eddie either."
Mike makes a good point maybe the best point ever. Even if Richie can't have Eddie they can still be the best friends that they were. Richie just wants him to be happy and doing what he's doing isn't helping anyone.
Richie makes up his mind and goes off to try and find the other half of the group. He finds Eddie waiting outside the restroom talking to stan.
"Hey Eddie can I talk to you for a second."
Eddie rolls his eyes then looks at stan. Stan nods his head and walks away to go look at menus of a food stand.
"I-I'm sorry I've been mean... can.. can we go back to being best friends again."
Richie asks with his hand on his neck looking down. Eddies serious face crumbles and he gives Richie a small hug.
"Of course Richie"
As he says that Noah comes out of the bathroom. Richie reaches out his hand and Noah takes it shaking it firmly.
"Sorry I've been a bit of a dick to you but I hope we could be friends?"
Noah does a breathy laugh.
"Yeah I hope you apologized to shorty over here he's been ranting about you being mean for weeks"

So Eddie did care
"Yeah I did ha. So what're you guys doing."
"Well Noah wanted to see this bands set so Bill stan and I we're gonna go with."
"Ok cool mind if I join?"
Richie asks.
"The m-more the marier"
Bill says walking out of the bathroom. They all walk to the stage where the band is and are semi in the back. All of them can see pretty well except for Eddie. Noah squats down in front of eddie.
"Wanna Get on my shoulders?"
Eddie doesn't hesitate and carefully gets on his shoulders. Once Noah stands up Eddie freaks out a little bit because he's so high. Riche pulls Eddies inhaler out of his pocket and tries to hand it to him. Eddie takes a puff then hands it back to Richie.
"You ok Eddie?"
Noah asks.
"Yeah this is fun!"
He says putting up both his hands the quickly puts them back in the top of Noah's head.
"Yeah Ed's always forgets to bring his inhaler so I keep his spare in my pocket"
Richie explains to Noah. Richie and Noah are pretty similar in height which Is funny because they are both too tall for their own good. Eddie leans forward and looks down to look at Noah.
"Hey what is this band called? I like them"
"Oh it's Calpurnia I've been following them for a little bit"
"Huh their pretty good"
Then from behind there's a girls voice
"Oh my god Bill, Richie, Eddie? From the losers club?!"
Eddie Taps Noah signaling him to let him down.
"How's it goin pretty lady?"
Bill asks without a stutter. She screams.
"Can I take a picture with all of you"
"Yeah totally!"
Eddie says. Stan takes the picture. Bill the fan Richie and Eddie all in a line arms around each other. The fan says her thanks and tells them how much she loves them then moves on.
"She was nice"
Eddie said. When everyone turned back around to look at the band Eddie jumped onto Richie for a piggy back ride. Richie smiled having missed this and easily holds up Eddies weight. Eddie stayed on Richies back for a long time as they walked around exploring the festival also missing his touch. He finally got put down when they got in line to buy sandwiches for dinner. The whole band had met up by now and Ben has filled up an Entire SD card with pictures. They sat at a picnic table. Beverly clearly decided that she didn't like Noah and ignored any time he talked. Richie thought it was funny. Eddie frantically hit the boys on either side of him Richie and Noah.
Eddie said standing up and making a b line to the face paint station. Richie and Noah followed as Eddie gets sat down in a chair.
"Rich hand me my wallet it's in your pocket because it wouldn't fit in mine"
Richie pulls out his own wallet and gives the lady the 10 dollars for the paint.
"Nah I got it."
"Thanks Rich"
Eddie says with the softest smile. The boys watch as the girl paints delicate flowers across his cheeks like freckles. White flowers with a yellow middle and a touch of glitter. He gets off the chair when she's finished.
"What do you think"
Eddie says smiling. Richie thought it looked adorable so he decided that's what he'd say
"Eddie you honestly look so adorable right now"
He said accompanied by a breathy laugh.
"I agree with that so much"
Noah responds.
Eddie looks at both of them and blushes a bright red. They walk back to the table.
"Look at how cute this man is"
Richie says pointing at Eddie as they sit back down to eat.
"Awww baby you look so cuteeee I just wanna pinch your cheeks but then I'd mess it up so I'll refrain"
Bev says tucking her hands under her legs.
"Alright were going to take pictures right now before this amazing lighting leaves"
Ben says getting up all of us following.
Bev says taking off her flower crown and putting it atop Eddies curls.
"The look is complete"
Ben takes so many pictures a lot of Richie picking up Eddie , and all of them laughing together.
"Hop up I just want a picture like this"
Richie says bending for Eddie to get on his back. The resulting picture in Bens words was "the cutest thing ever"
They all start walking back and stop where Noah can't go anymore. All the losers give him high fives and Eddie gives him a hug.
"See you at the show tomorrow Noh"
"Ok I'll try and get right up front"
He says walking away the others had started heading back except for Richie. They walk back together.
"You know he's not that bad"
Richie says.
"See I told you"
Eddie says elbowing Richie. They all go to bed Eddie back to just wearing the t shirt and briefs and Richie back to just sweatpants. They still don't cuddle though it takes time.

An/ I really enjoyed this chapter I'll figure out a posting schedule it'll probably be on Saturday or Sunday every week I just wanted to get these firsts five out also sorry if there's editing mistakes I'll probably fix it later

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