Part 10

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"Alright ready for this Eddie"
Richie says with a pancake in a pan. He jerks it up and flips the pancakes with ease. Eddie smiles and claps from his perch on the counter.
"I'm impressed"
Richie completes their pancakes and hands a plate to Eddie. Richie stands in the kitchen and eats while Eddie stays on the counter.
"You know I thought you would've lost your cooking talent because your tiny brain wouldn't hold the information all tour"
Eddie teases putting down his empty plate. Richie dramatically clutches the fabric over his heart and gasps.
"How dare you!"
Riche reaches for the flour bag and grabs a fist full and walks right in front of Eddie .
"I will not hesitate spaghetti man"
Eddie dips his finger in the left over batter and swipes it on Richies nose laughing and trying to get up but Richie throws the flour into his hair before he can get down. Eddie laughs as he gets flower on his hands and puts both of them on Richies cheeks. Richie, who is now standing in between Eddies legs, gets batter and gives Eddie a matching glob on his nose.
"Ok! Ok! I surrender!"
Eddie yells then stops and realizes that Richies hands are on his waist and their faces are closer than they should be. Richie leans forward and licks the batter off Eddies nose. Eddie slaps his arm.
"RICHIE! That's disgusting!"
"What you wanna try some of mine"
Riche says laughing going cross eyed and putting his nose to Eddies lips. Eddie turns his head and wipes off the batter. He nearly falls to the side and grabs Richies shoulders.
"Are you trying to give me salmonella."
Eddie says trying to avoid eye contact. Richie moves his hand and lifts Eddies chin to make them make eye contact.
"I don't know maybe"
Richie leans in a little.
"What's going on down here!"
They hear Stans voice yell coming towards the kitchen. Riche backs away and goes to the sink fast. He starts putting water on a rag to whipe off his face.
"We were just having a flour fight Stan no big deal!"
Richie says because Eddie is frozen and hasn't moved from his place on the counter. Stan walks in
"You better clean up this shit. I'm going to meet Ben at the studio to talk about tour stuff."
Stan says grabbing sudanleys keys and walking out to the garage.
"Rich where did we put the broom?"
Eddie asks sliding off the counter.
"In the pantry I think"
The two boys clean up their mess in silence then retreat to their rooms racing to the shower but Eddie gets there first.
They take their showers sitting in their respective rooms.
Several hours later~
Then Richie hears a quiet whimper noise through the closed door. He stands up and walks through the bathroom slowly opening the door on Eddies side. He sees Eddie in fetal position reading something off his phone and sobbing the only light being a red string of fairy lights around the room.
Richie says slowly walking and sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Are you ok?"
Eddie slowly reaches his arm up and hands Richie his phone and putting his face in the pillow to continue crying.
Richie looks and it's a message from Noah.

'Eddie, I don't think we can continue being friends like this. I know you know how I feel and I hope you felt them in my kisses. We can't be friends anymore because anytime I think about you I can't think anything other than being with you. After I send this I'm going to get rid of your contact. Please don't try and find me it'll only make it harder to do this to such a beautiful soul as yours. It's not your fault and I know we were amazing friends but I just can't suppress my feelings anymore so I'm letting go.
I'm sorry Eddie I will miss you.
I love you goodbye'

Shit Is the only thing Richie can think. Eddie loved Noah as a best friend.
"Hey hey baby it's ok"
Richie says adjusting on the bed and pulling Eddie into his lap. Eddie immediately hides his face in Richies chest and clenches Richies shirt in his hands.
"Hey you still have us yeah? Beverly, Ben, Bill, Stan, Mike....and me. Hey were never gonna leave you angel ok?"
Eddie sobs harder breaking completely.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm such a mess with, with ptsd and attachment issues"
He says breathing in sharply between every few words.
"Hey sh sh sh, all of us have something we work on your doing your best ok? That's all we could ask of you Ed's we love you so much, I love you so much"
Richie says rocking Eddie. He reaches for Eddies inhaler on the nightstand shaking it and putting it to Eddies lips. Eddie opens his mouth and Richie presses the pump.
Richie says running fingers through Eddies hair.
"C-can you get your guitar and sing for me? It helps me calm down."
Eddie says quietly between soft sobs and sniffles.
Richie quickly but gently places Eddie on the bed and he sits criss cross. Richie runs to his room and grabs his acoustic and sits crisscross next to Eddie. Eddie puts his head on Richies shoulder.
Richie begins slowly playing his song. One he wrote thinking of Eddie. It's one he hasn't shown anyone yet.{novels but rusty clanton)
Eddie smiles Richies low voice so thing him.
"And when we sleep at night I hope that we write novels in our heads
Of what to tell the other when we wake"
He sings through the chorus
"Let's say I love you....
Just I love you..
I love you.
And I love you too"
The ending plays and Eddies big doe eyes are staring. Richie puts down his guitar and looks at Eddie. Eddie scoots so he's sitting in front of Richie.
"Richie I- that was.. beautiful. Why haven't you played it before?"
"I wasn't ready yet I hand one condition for my self when I played it."
"What was the condition?"
Eddie asks genuinely curious. Richie puts his hand on Eddies cheek. Eddie softly smiles placing his hand over Richies.
Richie says before leaning in and kissing Eddie softly. Eddie slowly relaxes and kisses back.
Richie breaks this kiss and looks into Eddies eyes.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that."
Richie smiles. Eddie does a small laugh.
"Hey Eddie?"
Eddie looks back up at Richie.
"I think I love you.... but only a little"
Richie says they both laugh and Richie pushes a pice of hair out of Eddies face.
"Hey rich I think I love you too, but only a little"
Richie smiles and jumps on Eddie peppering small kisses all over his face playfully.
"Ok! Ok!"
Eddie says pushing Richie. Richie lays on Eddies pillow and lifts the covers. Eddie takes the hint and crawls under them then hugging onto Richie going to their old position. Eddie looks up at Richie and pecs a small kiss on his lips.
"Oh by the way Eddie when you were drunk you confessed to liking me as well as kissing my neck... several times"
Eddie groans shoving his face in Richies neck to hide making the taller boy laugh.
"God I'm awful when I'm trashed"
Eddie says
"Awww but I liked those kisses."
Eddie kisses Richies neck gently.
"Well I don't have to be drunk to do it anymore."
Richie smiles.
"Goodnight love"
"Goodnight trashy"
Richie huffs a laugh and they both fall asleep.

An/ ain't the end bukaroos there's one more

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