Chapter Six

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Sofia stays in the bathtub still a bit breathless, water running down her face. She keeps on looking at her phone, smiling but in shock too, having a hard time believing how everything escalated so quickly. She pinches her forearm with two fingers, wanting to make sure she wasn't dead or hallucinating all of that. But no, she feels the pain, her skin gets red, she is awake and alive and Matthew is asking her out. She coughs again, her throat hurting because of the water coming inside her and then she starts typing her reply " I haven't eaten anything yet, but I will for you I promise. I would love to see you again!! Maybe we can do that tomorrow, I spotted the Bella café earlier today, we could go there... " She sends knowing perfectly that that's his favorite restaurant and coffee shop in town, so she thinks she is gaining some points if she gives the right answer to him. Sofia puts her phone down and rubs her hands on her face before looking at all the water that came out of the bathtub. She feels stupid now by what she was about to do and how she would have stayed under-water without Matthew's message. She sighs and gets out of the tub, not feeling like it is a really relaxing space anymore. She hides in a white dressing gown that was already in the hotel room. Her phone rings again and she grabs it so quickly that it almost slips from her hand, she elts a gasp of terror goes out of her mouth as it could have fallen into the still full bathtub. She sighs again and reads the message thinking it would be Matt but she grunts when she reads a text from her friend Eddie "So are you married yet?? Girl, you are so desperate, it's hardcore !!" she deletes the message out of anger, feeling like no one is understanding her but Eddie would be so gobsmacked if she was coming home holding Matthew's hand. She smiles at that thought that seems to be more realistic than ever now. The device rings again and now letting "Matthew" appearing on the screen "You better be eating something yes!! I'm not kidding, take care of yourself!! I love that place! Sounds great to me, I'll wait for you there at 12, can't wait to see you again Sofia!! See you tomorrow " She chuckles and squeals like a little girl as she reads how Matthew seems to worry about her already. She jumps around the room and throws her phone on her bed, she lets a little excited scream coming out of her mouth. She never felt so happy and alive than right now, realizing that she was right to believe in her dreams! It was happening, she was going to have a date with Matt, what she has been dreaming of for years now, over and over again, hurting herself as the thought of never living this was breaking her heart a little bit more every day. But now, she was going to have what she truly deserves, a real love story with the man of her dream. Sofia was now determined to prove them all wrong and she was ready to become miss Bellamy, like no one ever expected it. She quickly gets dressed and goes down to the lobby where she finds a vending machine, her appetite is coming back and she can't erase the big bright smile out of her face, she gets all the snacks and cheerfully goes back to her bedroom. Sofia puts everything on her bed and takes a picture " I'm eating, like I promised you, not very healthy but it's too late for a fancy meal, have a good night Matt " she types and sends to him, trying to sound confident. She wants to appear like that after that terrible first impression she gave him. He would not find her attractive if she shows the weak part of herself again in front of him. Sofia knows that she has one chance and she doesn't want to ruin it by acting like a poor demoiselle in distress. She looks at her phone " Good girl! You'll have your fancy meal tomorrow! Good night " She chuckles stupidly as she read how he called her "good girl" feeling suddenly special and like they already have a bond, but she will make that bound appear between them anyway because she won't let him escape and miss her shot.She needed to have him and deep down she knew he needed her too in his life, a woman like Elle couldn't make happy like Sofia could, she could give him so much, she would kill for him, she would die for him, like she almost did tonight before he saved her, once again to Sofia it was a sign they were made for each other...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2020 ⏰

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