Part 6

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Well you feel like eating. You eat some food, just when you're about to eat, this random woman that looks looks about 30 comes and sits beside you. She talks to you. You sit back, getting ready to eat. The food is almost in your mouth, just when she says "Hey, wait", the woman says. She takes a little piece of cake from her purse. "Bye". She left. The lady was nice, and the food looks pretty good too. You're about to take a bite from the cake, you smell something horrible! It smells like garlic. Oh man. Has this woman tricked you for no reason? You don't know. 

Well you think the smell isn't going to stop you from eating this good-looking cake. You put the cake in your mouth. Oh man. You start feeling dizzy. You realize that the lady put garlic-poison in your cake. So now you realize eating wasn't such a good idea. 


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