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      An: So I'm a distracted idiot, and I'm sorry for the countless delays in this book. I expected to have some downtime in either May or June to work on this, but I got distracted and didn't end up with as much as I expected, so here we are.

     But that's just excuses, my goal is going to be that going forward I'll update this at least once every month since my original weekly plan will definitely not work out. As far as Luck of Nines goes, I managed to write ahead of you guys so that will continue as usual.

     Thanks again for your patience, and see you next month.

Update: so... uh the above... was written in 2022.  . . .yikes  I'm sorry. I'm back, expect infrequent updates, but no hiatus of mine will last forever! ...probably.


        The morning started out with nothing unusual going on, but they were all optimistic all the same. The previous night Hermione had finally come running, hair sprinkled with dust, but a triumphant smile on her lips, and a tome in her hand about magical parasites. Lavender followed just slightly behind the other girl looking more fondly annoyed than anything as she tried to look cool and mature yet also keep up behind her much less concerned about that friend.

    The practically opposite duo's entry had interrupted Parvati and Neville's flower arranging competition and Asp's reflex exercises, but with the news Hermione carried none of them were bothered to put down their stuff and listen.

     Their excited optimism lasted until the Weasley twins came over, look almost uncomfortable and concerned, even then it wasn't until the two made a handful of vague comments, earning them only confused looks in return, and realized that the group of first years really didn't know what was going on yet. Solemn faced, the twins handed over the morning's paper; "With Such A Large Student to Teacher Ratio; Can You Really Trust Hogwarts To Look After Your Precious Children?"

The headline blared. Listing what the other pages contained showed similar articles;

"The Hogwarts Inside Scoop From a Recently Graduated Prefect"

"Broom cupboards and once unused classrooms; a prefect reports on their nightly patrols"

"Hogwarts, the best place for your loved ones; separating fact from fiction"

"Where do your children sleep at night? The lack of Transparency in Hogwarts"

"Letters from concerned parents, students, and ex-staff of the once beloved, once for schooling, institution."

Something nearing half the articles inside the special edition ran the name Hogwarts in it, a handful of others suggesting that was what the articles would be covering. Hermione snatched the paper, spreading the pages out so that they could all see a few of the articles.

"A werewolf, he might not be, but the accusation still stands; where do Hadrian Tiamat and his friends disappear to at night?

I'm not sure about my dear readers, but I feel with the rightful outcry that followed the possibility of a monster lurking amongst the most vulnerable and precious of our population, this peculiar fact was easily skipped over.

However, as a reporter I feel I have a duty to bring to light the truth and scandals. A duty to inform you, my beloved, loyal readers and fellow citizens, no matter which powerful figures might be effected and thus try to silence me.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2023 ⏰

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