The clinic

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Abigail's Pov.

Noel was done getting changed it was already 4:30 and I asked my Breanna to pick up my car she was my sister and she was visiting from college.

Yes she is my parents favorite but I really didn't care. I already had problems of my own.

Noel walked out I picked my bag and we walked to his car. Than he says something.

"You know of your are um pregnant.. I will be there right."

"Yeah, sure." I say snotty like.

But we all know he would back out some how. I open the door to his car and sit down and buckle. I am terrified.

"Noel what if I am pregnant? My parents are gonna fucking kill me. They always told me if I were to have a baby in high school they would fucking kill me." I say looking at my hands.

"Abby, just calm down." He says.

"Noel, I can't."

He grabs my hand and intertwines it with his. I don't know but I felt a spark. I wasn't even paying attention until Noel said that we were at clinic.

"Do you want me to go in with you?" He says as he looks me in the eyes.

"I think you should. I mean your the father and all"

We walked in and I saw someone I never thought I see.

My mom.

"Mom what are you doing here?"

"Abby, didn't you remember that I told you I got this job. Today is my first day. What do you need?"

"Mom.. I think I am pregnant."

"PREGNANT?!?" She screams.

"Mom, I think we should take this to the back room."

We walk to the back room. My mom looks not furious but sad. She opens the door, to are room.

"Abby lay down. We doing a ultrasound."


"Abigail Marie! Just do it." She says really snappy.

Noel never really saw my stomach but there it was out in the open. He just grabs my hand.

"Ok, let's see what we have here." My mom says as she looks around.

Than I hear something.

"Mom please tell me...that's my heart beat." I say a little tear eyed.

"No, Abby, its a baby."

"Abby, that's our baby." Noel says joyfully.

I sit up right after that, it's all shocking to me.


"Mom, I forgot to tell you this is Noel, the baby's father."

"I would've have guessed Abby. Now wipe your stomach I'll back."

I looked at Noel he was speechless, very speechless but I could tell he was happy.

"Abby. This is really happening. I just.."

I cut him off.

"Noel it is. Just be quiet. You still need to tell your family."

Innocence {Teen pregnancy} {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now