your no match for me

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Few weeks have past since Jace had made the choice to stay in Mystic Falls and at the school.  He was even a good teacher for hunters . Becky smiles at him and walks over to him "my father said you were a good teacher I just didnt know how good.  "Dont worry i dont use the students i have your unlces for that part . "Good cuz i would be worried for the students that is ." He laughs a bit and saw her book beg "so im guessing your going to go work on your spells? " "ya im going to try a few nature spells " "just becareful ok you know that you get drained when you overdo it " "I will be ok "  I will see you later " she gave him a quick kiss and left . (In the woods )

Becky was in the woods when she felt someone watching her "you can come out Clary "  "how did you Know i was even here ? " "your forgeting who your talking to here ?" "Right I forgot " "what do you want clary ? Last time We talked You tryed to kill me " "yes will thats what I wanted to talk to you about . And to finsh are conversation . "Ok so why did you try to kill me ?" "Cuz you tock Jace from me and his family and friends . "Incase you forgot jace came here on his own to fined you . I didn't make him do anything.  "Ya right befor he came here he was fine and now that hes with you he dosent want to go back to the Institute. Becky sighs "that's why you're here its not to finish are talk at all your here to make jace go back . She claps "you guessed right ." "You know that will never work right ?"

"We will see said clary . She gose to leave to head to that school.  "You cant force him to go back clary . Hes made his choice to stay here . And the more you try to push it the more he will pull back from you . Is that something you can live with ? "He was the one who forced me to be in this world so dont say I cant do the same ." "No that was your mothers doing . And what your about to do will not end good . " you do know that was evil right he worked for the bad guy . And he killed innocent people" "I know all about Jaces past and I accepted it . Clary loosk angry you dont know what your doing . "Oh i think I do " clary grabs Becky's arm .

"I will show you what happens to my enemies " "your no match for me clary . Becky pushed her back and clary fell on the ground.  And Becky left the woods

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