Chapter #17

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What’s the point? Yes that’s the title of this rant. Recently, I’ve been thinking a lot. Thinking all day and night, sleepless nights let’s not forget to mention that. I felt a lot of emptiness, a bit of agony, frustration. And sometimes a little rush of getting things done but honestly … honestly I didn’t get anything done. Life suddenly became stagnant more than ever, I swear.

I’ve been through worst times, depression. But nothing has been worse than this cuz this time, I know the direction and the path to walk on, I know my goals, I know where things are heading. And I know there is nothing to change. Then why this is the worst time? Cuz this time, somewhere between being in the right and wrong place, I’m pretty much lost. I don’t why I can’t smile, why feel so burdened. Seems like everyone except me has all the answers while I’m the one who gets asked these questions.

Now I’m not making any sense. Nothing anyone can relate to I guess. Some of you are now browsing away from this page. I know I’m boring and I won’t blame anyone for that. Thank you for reading till now.

And those who choose to read ahead, I thank you even more than them. You do have a higher level of tolerance I must say. And patience, which is becoming kinda rare thing in today’s world.

So let’s get back to square one. What is the point? (I must warn that I’m gonna ask a lot of question but you don’t have to answer any unless you want).

So what is the point of everything? Of getting up every day, going through the same old routine? What’s the point of wanting to bring change to something stable? Most importantly, what is the point of messing with others’ lives? Don’t you have a goddamn life of your own or you are way too shallow to go back to your existing life and make some sense in it? Well I’m not afraid, not ashamed, not embarrassed to admit that hell yeah I’ve made mistakes. Life isn’t easy, it ain’t fair and you are not gonna get anything by complaining except just wasting some time you could’ve put to some good use. And life never comes with a guide, so sometimes we gotta explore different directions, make mistakes and learn our own way. It does take courage to do that unless you don’t have a logical brain, then you might just wander off to any direction and well to be honest some people have been successful by choosing the way which had seemed wrong at that time.

What really does matter is what you believe in. and when you are happy with your decision, then there is nobody who can tell you that you are wrong.

What’s the difference between right and wrong? Who the hell am I to say. To me, wrong is hurting innocent people who haven’t harmed you. Wrong is being selfish and shallow, not caring and just destroying someone else’s life. Bullying is wrong.

If you are thinking what the hell I know about the definition of right and wrong then let me tell you, uncountable lives had been lost over the twisted definitions. Have a mind of your own, don’t just blindly follow the “cool” or “popular” people or the people with a lot of money, cuz they won’t care, neither they already have.

Live your life without hurting others. I’m not bringing the question of hell and heaven here, I’m just talking about being a human.

Okay I’m drifting away from the title, so let’s get back there. And once again I’m gonna thank you reader for reading this much, cuz honestly, nobody gives a shit about these things anymore. Everything has become so artificial, its all about glamour and glitter. Simplicity lost its beauty.

So what is the point of life? What’s the point of love? Having girlfriend/boyfriends, not just one but multiple? What’s the point of saying “I’ll be with you no matter what” and then leaving for little things? What’s the point of making a damn promise one can’t keep? We all have something to complaint about, we all have some question in our minds. Sometimes you gotta ask and sometimes you just gotta figure out the answer yourself. No matter what you choose to do, time will give you the answer you are looking for, it always does.

752 words and someone is confused about what’s the point of saying/writing all this? Well for me, I just needed to write it all down cuz I can’t keep all of it in my heart. When you gotta climb a mountain, you can’t carry a lot of burden with you. I have a mountain to climb, *yawn* I’ll start tomorrow.

So here the lazy Panda is saying bye for now, thank you for reading. I know nobody cares, people mostly have become selfish. But I always believe, that when you believe in something, and are not afraid, then just scream out loud and know for sure, that someone somewhere heard you. If not a person, then God will.

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