×|Villain Type Quirks Part. 2|×

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Quirk Name: Shadow Blaze

Type: Emitter

× The user can set other people's shadows on fire.

× They have to be touching the shadow with any part of their body.

× The fire on the shadow will never stop, but you can put out the fire once it travels to the person.

× Doesn't work at night, but does work at streetlights. Anything that creates a shadow they can set it on fire.

Drawback: Cannot use in dark spaces or at night.

Special: If a room is completely dark, the user forces themself to set the entire room on fire. This causes extreme pain to the user, and is basically a suicide. The fires last for thirty seconds.

Quirk Name: Scorpion

Type: Mutation

× The user is born with a highly venomous Scorpion Tail.

× Reaches higher than their head.

× User is immune to potent venoms, and cannot hurt themselves with their own venom.

× When their venom is at its best, it can kill someone within 25-30 minutes. At its lowest it will barely hurt you or kill you within a month.

× To keep up their venom levels, they have to eat something poisonous or venomous, and depending on what they eat, that is how potent the venom is. (They still have the venom it's just that they have to make sure it's still deadly.)

Drawback: The tail constantly gets in the way, and is a easy give-away. They also accidentally hurt people, either by smacking them with the tail, or simply stabbing them with the end.

Special: Doesn't have a Special.

Quirk Name: Spirit Blaze

Type: Transformation

× The user turns into a horrifying phantom that's set ablaze.

× They turn 5 feet taller than their original height.

× Fire is red and/or orange, with the occasional yellow.

× User is immune to high temperature levels, and doesn't get burned as easily.

× Can pass through walls, but sets them on fire.

× Can grab/hit things/people, but nobody can grab/hit them without a special quirk or special weapon/capture weapon. But if they grab anyone, they set them on fire.

× Can scare people so much, that his victims have died before.

× Quirk lasts for 5-10 minutes.

Drawback: Quirk doesn't last for very long, and it is a random time between 5-10 minutes that the quirk will stop. They can't stop it manually. When they first turn into the phantom, they are like a jumpscare for a good 5-10 seconds, random time aswell. Lastly, if they're in a house and the roof is too low, they either set the roof on fire on accident, or if it's really low, hit the top, since they cannot pass through walls for 5-10 seconds. Everything about time is random through 5-10.

Special: User forces themself to grow to 12 feet bigger than their original size, and their fire turns white and/or blue. Only lasts for 1 hour unless something intervenes. The user will be in excruciating pain afterwords, and will have 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degree burns throughout their body. Will need medical help.

Quirk Name: Brain Melt

Type: Emitter

× The user can melt other people's brains to a slush.

× They have to be touching the person upper-half of their head to melt their brain.

× The victims brain will fully melt after five minutes.

× Almost no escape.

Drawback: Everytime the user activates their quirk, their own brain melts by 0.5%. Basically it's a suicide quirk.

Special: User can (obviously) only do this once. The user will melt their own brains instantly in the process. The user sends out a signal similar to a EMP, and shuts everyone's brain down within a half-mile radius. Doesn't matter how many people are in the radius, even if there are none, the user's brain is destroyed instantly. Everyone affected by the blast is going to be a vegetable for a long time, until the body decides to wake up. Or not.

And that was 4
Villainous Quirks.

I realized in this chapter that
I've been using the wrong percent sign.

I think one or two of these
quirks can be used for

You're welcome.

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